This mod claims to work with the GD bbPress Attachments mod, but it doesn’t. Does anyone know how to get it to work with that?
]]>The image looks very squashed. Is there a way to edit the code so only the width is determined and not the height, or the other way around?
]]>Is there a way to show a default image if one has not been added to a topic? I think this would make the forums look neater instead of just showing a few that have images.
I have to say this is really great plugin, since I test “bbPress Topic Thumbnails” for several months, it works well in wordpress MU, and I noted that there are 400 arount active installation, so I am not sure why not update it.
and if you decide to upgrade it, adding excerpts for bbpress topic would be much better, and aother point is that thumbnail would be strecthed if the orignal image is longitudinal.
Any comments or suggetions would be highly appreciated, thanks a lot, and nice day.
]]>I have been looking for this exact plugin!
Thank you
]]>Hi there, wonderfull plugin, absolutly stunning. Theres a way to have the Topic Thumbnails as prewiew for the forum list? the Thumbnails work if the image is posted as HTML with BBpress Topic Thumbnails but nothing with the plugin. Any help will be great. Marco
]]>Is there a way to have the 2nd line of a title of a topic that has a lot of words to be right underneath the 1st line? See link below for how it currently is.
]]>bbpress topic thumbnails not working with gd bbPress Attachments
when attach image to the post for example :
The image thumbnail dose not display at forum topic page , example :
but it working well in case use tag [img][/img] it can display thumbnails.
]]>Is there a way to modify this plugin to grab latest image instead and push it as thumbnail? And every time an image is posted in that thread it automatically pushes the last image into thumbnail?
Many thanks,
]]>I tested this plugin for the site at It seems as if this plugin does not show thumbnails for the recent versions of bbPress and GD bbPress Attachments. Could it be that the regular expression used by the plug-in does not match the one of bbPress Attachments?
]]>First off, thanks so much for building this plugin – I’ve been on the lookout for the way to add thumbnail support to bbpress topics for quite some time!
My question is fairly specific, here goes: Could the core of this plugin be modified to create topic thumbnails in BuddyPress / Groups / Group Forums? Buddypress does rely on bbpress to create ‘forums + topics’ in the group forums area, so I’m curious how feasible it would be make this plugin work with Group Forums in Buddypress?
Curious to hear anyone’s thoughts/ideas on this.
]]>Any idea if this could be adapted to instead of showing a thumbnail for topics, show an image for the main forums.
This way it looks similar to other forum engines.
]]>I was curious if there is a way to display the thumbnails AFTER the topic’s title. Right now it pushes the title off to the right.
And thank you for the simple yet functional plugin!