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  • Thread Starter cafoundationfund


    The following snippet is in the child time function.php.

    add_filter(‘tc_grid_display_figcaption_content’, ‘my_grid_content’);
    function my_grid_content(){

    $text = apply_filters( ‘the_content’, get_the_content() );
    $text = str_replace(‘]]>’, ‘]]>’, $text);

    return sprintf(‘<div class=”tc-g-cont”>%s</div>’,

    It does not work. Can you advise?

    Thread Starter cafoundationfund


    Hover over the images and you will see the iframe excerpt.

    I will try the snippet in the child theme function to see if it is removed.


    Thread Starter cafoundationfund


    Got it to work. However I want the excerpt to work. The content is ugly. I will start a new string of posts. This was is confusing.

    Thread Starter cafoundationfund


    When I add this to the bottom:

    add_filter(‘tc_grid_display_figcaption_content’, ‘my_grid_content’);
    function my_grid_content(){

    $text = apply_filters( ‘the_content’, get_the_content() );
    $text = str_replace(‘]]>’, ‘]]>’, $text);

    return sprintf(‘<div class=”tc-g-cont”>%s</div>’,

    I get this:

    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘<‘ in /home/wp_phcans/ on line 338

    Thread Starter cafoundationfund


    I am already running this on the functions.php

    * This is where you can copy and paste your functions !

    add_filter(‘tc_slide_background’ , ‘set_video_slider’, 10, 4);
    function set_video_slider($_original_bg , $link, $id, $s_name ) {
    //////////////// Parameters : ////////////////
    $my_slider_name = ‘video’;//set the name you have choosen when creating your slider
    $slide_position = 2; //<= this will replace the first slide
    $_video = ‘;;//<=the url of your vimeo or youtube video
    $_autoplay = true;//<= true = autoplay
    $_mute_volume = true;// true = volume set to 0
    $_unmute_on_hover = true;//true = the video will unmute on mouse hover
    $_pause_on_slide = true;//true = the video is paused on slide change
    $_related_videos = false;// true = display related videos . Works just with youtube videos, vimeo doesn’t allow this for non premium users.
    $_yt_loop = true;
    //uncomment this video array to run the random video
    //$_video = array( ‘; , ‘;, ‘;, ‘;, ‘;, ‘; , ‘;, ‘;, ‘; );

    $sliders = tc__f(‘__get_option’ , ‘tc_sliders’);

    //remove previous filter if set
    remove_filter(’embed_oembed_html’, ‘_add_an_id_for_youtube_player’ , 10, 4);
    remove_filter(‘oembed_result’ , ‘enable_youtube_jsapi’);
    remove_filter(‘oembed_result’ , ‘set_youtube_autoplay’);
    remove_filter(‘oembed_fetch_url’ , ‘set_vimeo_url_query_args’);

    if ( $my_slider_name != $s_name )
    return $_original_bg;

    $_slides = array();
    foreach ($sliders[$s_name] as $_sid) {
    $_slides[] = $_sid;
    if ( $id != $_slides[$slide_position-1] )
    return $_original_bg;

    if ( ! is_array($_video) ) {
    $_return_video = $_video;
    } else {
    $rand_key = array_rand($_video, 1);
    $_return_video = $_video[$rand_key];

    //youtube or vimeo?
    $_provider = ( false !== strpos($_return_video, ‘youtube’) ) ? ‘youtube’ : false;
    $_provider = ( false !== strpos($_return_video, ‘vimeo’) ) ? ‘vimeo’ : $_provider;

    if ( ! $_provider )
    return $_original_bg;

    if ( ‘youtube’ == $_provider ) {
    add_filter(’embed_oembed_html’, ‘_add_an_id_for_youtube_player’ , 10, 4);
    //Adding parameters to WordPress oEmbed
    add_filter(‘oembed_result’ , ‘enable_youtube_jsapi’);
    if ( false !== $_autoplay )
    add_filter(‘oembed_result’ , ‘set_youtube_autoplay’);
    if ( false !== $_yt_loop )
    add_filter(‘oembed_result’ , ‘set_youtube_loop’);
    if ( false === $_related_videos )
    add_filter(‘oembed_result’ , ‘set_youtube_no_related_videos’);
    } elseif ( ‘vimeo’ == $_provider && false !== $_autoplay ) {
    add_filter(‘oembed_fetch_url’ , ‘set_vimeo_url_query_args’);

    //write some javascript : dynamic centering on resizing, responsiveness, Vimeo and YouTube API controls
    _write_video_slide_script($id, $_mute_volume, $_unmute_on_hover, $_pause_on_slide, $_provider);
    $_return_video = add_query_arg( ‘cached’ , time(), $_return_video );

    //( false !== strpos($_return_video, ‘?’) ) ? ‘&cached=’ : ‘?cached=’;
    $_return_video = apply_filters(‘the_content’, $_return_video );

    /* For someone autombed is not hooked to the content */
    if ( false === strpos($_return_video, ‘<iframe’) ){
    global $wp_embed;
    $_return_video = $wp_embed -> autoembed( $_return_video );

    return $_return_video;

    function set_vimeo_url_query_args($provider) {
    $provider = add_query_arg( ‘autoplay’, 1 , $provider );
    $provider = add_query_arg( ‘loop’, 1 , $provider );
    return $provider;
    function set_youtube_autoplay($html) {
    if ( strstr( $html,’’ ) )
    return str_replace( ‘?feature=oembed’, ‘?feature=oembed&autoplay=1’, $html );
    return $html;

    function set_youtube_loop($html) {
    if ( strstr( $html,’’ ) )
    return preg_replace( ‘|(*?)(\?feature=oembed)|’, ‘$0&loop=1&playlist=$2’, $html );
    return $html;

    function set_youtube_no_related_videos($html) {
    if ( strstr( $html,’’ ) )
    return str_replace( ‘?feature=oembed’, ‘?feature=oembed&rel=0’, $html );
    return $html;

    function _add_an_id_for_youtube_player($html, $url, $attr, $post_ID ) {
    //@to do make the id unique
    return str_replace(‘<iframe’, ‘<iframe id=”youtube-video”‘, $html);

    function enable_youtube_jsapi($html) {
    if ( strstr( $html,’’ ) )
    return str_replace( ‘?feature=oembed’, ‘?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1’, $html );
    return $html;

    function _write_video_slide_script($id, $_mute_volume, $_unmute_on_hover, $_pause_on_slide, $_provider) {
    <script type=”text/javascript”>
    jQuery(function ($) {
    var $_slide_wrap = $(‘.slide-‘+<?php echo $id ?>),
    $vid_iframe = $(‘iframe’ , $_slide_wrap ),
    vid_height = $vid_iframe.attr(‘height’),
    vid_width = $vid_iframe.attr(‘width’),
    wind_width = $(window).width(),
    is_active = false,
    $slider_wrapper = $_slide_wrap.closest(‘div[id*=customizr-slider]’),
    $_pause_on_slide = <?php echo (true != $_pause_on_slide) ? ‘false’ : ‘true’; ?>,
    $_mute_volume = <?php echo (true != $_mute_volume) ? ‘false’ : ‘true’; ?>,
    $_unmute_on_hover = <?php echo (true != $_unmute_on_hover) ? ‘false’ : ‘true’; ?>,
    $_provider = ‘<?php echo $_provider; ?>’;

    //$(‘.carousel-caption’ , $_slide_wrap ).remove();
    $(‘.carousel-image’, $_slide_wrap ).css(‘text-align’ , ‘center’);

    //Beautify the video
    $(‘iframe’ , $_slide_wrap )
    .attr(‘width’ , ”).attr(‘height’ , ”)
    .css(‘width’, ‘100%’).css(‘max-width’, ‘100%’).css(‘position’,’relative’)
    $(window).resize( function() {
    setTimeout(function() { _re_center();}, 200)

    function _re_center() {
    var new_height = (wind_width * vid_width) / vid_height,
    _height = $slider_wrapper.height(),
    push_up = (new_height – _height )/2;
    $(‘iframe’ , $_slide_wrap ).css(‘height’ , new_height ).css(‘bottom’ , push_up );

    // Listen for messages from the player
    if (window.addEventListener){
    window.addEventListener(‘message’, onMessageReceived, false);
    else {
    window.attachEvent(‘onmessage’, onMessageReceived, false);

    // Helper function for sending a message to the player
    function post(action, value, player) {
    if ( ! player || 0 == player.length )
    var data = {
    method: action

    if (value)
    data.value = value;

    var message = JSON.stringify(data);
    url = player.attr(‘src’).split(‘?’),
    player[0].contentWindow.postMessage(message, url);

    //Mute volume when player is ready
    function onMessageReceived(e) {
    var data = JSON.parse(,
    $activeSlide = $slider_wrapper.find(‘’),
    $player = $(‘iframe[src*=vimeo]’, $activeSlide );
    switch (data.event) {
    case ‘ready’:
    ( true == $_mute_volume) && post(‘setVolume’, +0.00001 , $player );
    //EVENTS :
    //Unmute on hover
    $_mute_volume && $_unmute_on_hover && $slider_wrapper.hover( function() {
    post(‘setVolume’, +0.8 , $(‘iframe[src*=vimeo]’, $(this).find(‘’) ) );
    }, function() {
    post(‘setVolume’, +0.000001 , $(‘iframe[src*=vimeo]’, $(this).find(‘’) ) );

    // Call the API on ‘slid’
    $slider_wrapper.on(‘slid’, function() {
    ( true == $_pause_on_slide) && _pause_inactive_slides();

    function _pause_inactive_slides() {
    var $activeSlide = $slider_wrapper.find(‘’),
    $player = $(‘iframe[src*=vimeo]’, $activeSlide );

    //if current slide has no player. Pause all other players, else play this player
    if ( ! $player.length ) {
    $slider_wrapper.find(‘iframe[src*=vimeo]’).each( function() {
    post( ‘pause’, false , $(this) );
    post( ‘play’, null, $player );


    if ( ‘youtube’ == $_provider ) {
    var player;
    //important : the function onYouTubeIframeAPIReady has to be added to the window object
    //when wrapped in another closure
    window.onYouTubeIframeAPIReady = function () {
    player = new YT.Player(‘youtube-video’, {
    events: {
    ‘onReady’: onPlayerReady
    //’onStateChange’: onPlayerStateChange

    //Play and Mute volume when player is ready
    function onPlayerReady() {

    if ( true == $_mute_volume)

    function _bind_youtube_events() {
    //Unmute on hover
    if ( $_mute_volume && $_unmute_on_hover ){
    $slider_wrapper.hover( function() {
    if ( 0 != $(‘iframe[src*=youtube]’, $(this).find(‘’) ).length )
    }, function() {
    if ( 0 != $(‘iframe[src*=youtube]’, $(this).find(‘’) ).length )

    // Call the API on ‘slid’
    $slider_wrapper.on(‘slid’, function() {
    if ( true !== $_pause_on_slide)
    var $activeSlide = $slider_wrapper.find(‘’),
    $player = $(‘iframe[src*=youtube]’, $activeSlide );

    //if current slide has no player. Pause all other players, else play this player if it was in pause
    if ( ! $player.length ) {
    $slider_wrapper.find(‘iframe[src*=youtube]’).each( function() {
    } else if ( 2 == player.getPlayerState() ){

    });//end on slid
    };//end _bind_youtube_events

    //load the youtube API script asynchronously
    var tag = document.createElement(‘script’);
    tag.src = “;;
    var firstScriptTag = document.getElementsByTagName(‘script’)[0];
    firstScriptTag.parentNode.insertBefore(tag, firstScriptTag);


    add_action(‘wp_footer’, ‘fp_titles_linkizr’, 200);
    function fp_titles_linkizr(){
    // limitate the js to the home page
    if ( ! tc__f(‘__is_home’) )
    $widget_front = ( class_exists(‘TC_fpu’) || class_exists(‘TC_fpc’) ) ? “fpc-widget-front” : “widget-front”;
    <script type=”text/javascript”>
    jQuery(document).ready(function () {
    !function ($){
    “use strict”;
    // grab all links
    var $a_hrefs = $(“.<?php echo $widget_front ?> a”),
    $links = ( $a_hrefs.filter(“round-div”).length > 0 ) ? $a_hrefs.filter(“round-div”) : $a_hrefs.filter(“.fp-button”);
    if ( $links.length == 0 )

    // grab all fp-titles
    var $titles = $(“.<?php echo $widget_front; ?> > :header”);

    $titles.each( function(i) {
    var $edit_span = $(this).find(‘span’);
    var _target = $( $links[i] ).attr(‘target’) == ‘blank’ ? ‘_blank’ : $( $links[i]).attr(‘target’),
    target = _target ? ‘target=”‘+ _target + ‘”‘ : ”,
    // let’s wrap the title into the round-div link
    linkizd_title = ‘<a class=”fp-title-link” href=”‘ + $( $links[i] ).attr(‘href’) +'” ‘+ target +
    ‘ title=”‘ + $( $links[i] ).attr(‘title’) + ‘”>’ + $(this).text() + ”;

    add_filter(‘tc_credits_display’, ‘my_custom_credits’, 20);
    function my_custom_credits(){
    $credits = ”;
    $newline_credits = ”;
    return ‘
    <div class=”span4 credits”>
    <p> · © ‘.esc_attr( date( ‘Y’ ) ).’ ‘.esc_attr(get_bloginfo()).’ · ‘.($newline_credits ? ‘
    · ‘.$newline_credits.’ ·’ : ”).'</p> </div>’;

    Thread Starter cafoundationfund


    Thanks for the example. Would you have the exact code for this the Customizr theme? Adding this code snippet to the functions.php as is will create an error.

    I have the same problem. upload function selects hard drive images. After selecting the jpg logo, nothing is uploaded.

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