Kelly Brown
Forum Replies Created
It would more likely be a conflict with another plugin you have installed.
Also old IE version 5-11 will not work with the editor.
Need Newest version of FireFox, Chrome or IE Edge.
If you can let us know the name of theme, we will look for any problems it has with the editor.
I will check the forums for problems, they started yesterday.
If you are talking about the text box background click the Box icon on the floating menu and select the color from “Background Color”.
Page backgrounds are part of your theme, however the Extended version has blank pages that you can change background colors of the page.
For changing theme options go to Appearance –> Customize in wordpress admin.
Simply Symphony
When installed it creates a menu on the top admin bar labeled “Simply Symphony” Select a new post or new page, this will load the editor.
When the editor loads on the top toolbar are icons for inserting objects into your page, Text Boxes, Images, Embeds. You should start with a text box.
The top toolbar has a help icon with videos to show the basics.
Please make sure you have the update we released today, it has links to our new forums in the help menu, and a few pre-built objects that may speed along your page building.
Thank You
Simply SymphonyForum: Plugins
In reply to: [PlugNedit] Many Issues, locking up, not saving properlyHI
I know that yesterday there was great problems with the internet and the editor was down for 8 hours. Not sure if this effected the use.
The editor fields on the left side are global to the box you are editing.
If you use the inline editor to custom format items the global settings are overwritten and controlled by the inline editor.If you paste html or microsoft word into the document the global settings probably will not work correctly. All microsoft word paste need inserted by the inline editor, you will see a button that says paste word.
If you have a specific issue, it may be a CSS conflict and we can have a look.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [PlugNedit] "Insert Paragraph Here" and formatting quirkHI
You should always click the publish button, I am speaking about the button below the preview when you create a page in the PNE editor that says “”Show WordPress Editor” WordPress editor uses auto formatting and may distort your page”. That button causes some of the paragraph issues. The help files we have are located in the main menu of the editor, they are videos.
The page builder section is only for building pages outside of your WordPress site, many people use it for splash pages or personal pages when they want to design a page without a theme.
It is a pretty robust editor with lots of options, however it is a free service that I do my best to support.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [PlugNedit] "Insert Paragraph Here" and formatting quirkIf the red triangles are in the editor that is just a formatting option, you do not have to insert a paragraph it is just a option. If in your WordPress page then the inline editor may have not closed correctly and you will need to delete the object in the layers menu. Please let me know, so I can check the code for a problem.
Do you open the WordPress Editor or do any editing in it on the page?
The WordPress editor is generally set up for someone that knows little about formatting and it tries to auto format pages, (add or remove paragraphs).Its called WordPress auto paragraph, We turn of the option but some users still say they have a problem with it changing the paragraphs some users have no problems. We do not have a fix because we have not been able reproduce the error to find a problem.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [PlugNedit] compatible with wordpress 4.2.2Hi
We are behind on our testing due to a commercial release of the software.
I will try to run test within 2 weeks on the current version.John
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [PlugNedit] How to add Google tracking code on Plugnedit web page?Hi
It would be a good idea to use a google WordPress for tracking.
If you cannot you can try to insert your code by clicking the text menu and then insert video /HTML button then insert code.Google tracking has not been tested with the editor so I cannot say how this may affect the editor.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [PlugNedit] productspageHi
Plugnedit is a layout designer and does not have ecommerce options.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [PlugNedit] Plug in stopped working!Hi
Just a quick look an I see you have a blank layer on top of the form.
load the page and go to layers, click “default layer 1” and then hit the trash icon.John
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [PlugNedit] Transparency?Hi
In the box menu under background color, you will see a little white icons with a red line crossing it. Click it for transparent background.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [PlugNedit] Alt Tags for ImagesHi Martin
The alt tags are set by the layer names, in the layers menu.
The name of the layer will be the alt tag value.John
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [PlugNedit] WordPress 4.1?Hi
It should but it has not been tested yet with that version.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [PlugNedit] Edit Page in Plugin N Edit button doesn't workHI
If you have problems loading a page, go to the page builder section and uncheck embed html.