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  • cabgfx



    This is just to say that mannerv’s comment above, is exactly what you need to do.
    I had the same problem, with HTML brackets ( < & >) being stripped, and then followed the steps above.

    It worked perfectly for my 700+ posts and 1300+ comments, but there were some kinks however;

    My tags haven’t been imported, at all. Sad, but I can live with that.

    My XML export from were 3.9MB large, too big for wordpress, even tho I had set upload_max_filesize AND post_max_size in my php.ini.
    At the screen where I choose the file it said max. 8MB, but after pressing “Upload”, it said “file too big, max is 3000kB.
    I solved this by chopping up the file in DreamWeaver into 2 equally large files, both below 2MB.
    If anyone wants to do the same, just make sure you scroll halfway thru the XML file and chop the content at these tags; <item> and </item>, including both of them.
    Also, see the FAQ about that.

    Just my 2 cents, if it helps anybody.

    Thread Starter cabgfx


    OMG, I just now realized that the Description is displayed as the title, if present.

    Jeez, I feel stupid.

    note: – you’d obviously want to wrap that in some CSS, but that’s to come..

    is it just the basics you want?? e.g.,

    <option><a href="x">Link</a></option>
    <option><a href="x">Link</a></option>
    <option><a href="x">Link</a></option>
    <option><a href="x">Link</a></option>
    <option><a href="x">Link</a></option>
    <input type="submit" />

    What’d ya mean by that, Root?

    I’ve noticed Kubrick takin’ a lot of heat in here, what’s the scoop?

    I’m not really in a position to judge for myself, as I’ve only just begun looking into the intestines of WP..


    Thx ??

    You will be seeing me a lot more in here, from now on..

    WP is my newfound love. Truly..


    1st of all, I’m very new to WP, and have just recently begun ‘tearing it apart’, becoming familiar with the codebase, engine and so..

    That being said, my skills in CSS & (x)HTML are decent, so I’ll try and see if I can aid you in this..
    I’ll give a couple of suggestions to what might be wrong/throwing your layout off.

    First off, correct your stylesheet at the very top;

    #header {
    	background: url('images/kubrickheader.jpg')no-repeat bottom center;

    – insert whitespace between ) and no-repeat. Tidy. Mmm.

    Also, try putting in the full url to your images, ie.

    Another thought;
    – Try and strip the functions.js file in the root of your theme dir, for everything related to the kubrick_header_img option of letting the user switch the colors in the header.
    – if you are uncertain about what to drop and what to keep in this particular file, refrain from editing it at all, and post it on here in some way or another, and I’m sure someone will clean out the code.

    Just a thought, as i can tell your theme has only been slightly modified from the original Kubrick, and as such I suspect a lot of irrelevant statements in the Javascript floating about, not really doing anything, but quite possibly interfering with your header for various reasons.

    Yes, i specifically highlighted ‘thought‘, as I’m not at all sure that removing the functions of the kubrick_header_img, will produce any result/significance to your question at hand, and I’d love to be proved wrong..
    On the other hand, tho – why keep it if it’s not used anymore? All things aside, it’s just more code for you to look up and figure out…


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