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  • Thread Starter C8H10N4O2


    Additionally, you may need to filter nav_menu_css_class to remove the current-menu-item class from the home link when you’re on the forum index.

    For example, here is the code I’ve used :

    function my_special_nav_class( $classes, $item )
        if( defined('PUN_ROOT') && $item->title == 'Home' )
            $remove_key = array_search( 'current-menu-item', $classes );
        return $classes;
    add_filter( 'nav_menu_css_class', 'my_special_nav_class', 10, 2 );

    You can add the following snippet before return $classes; to add the curent-menu-item class to the “Forum” link in the navigation. Be sure to use the title of your link if it’s not “Forum”.

    if( defined('PUN_ROOT') && $item->title == 'Forum' )
        $classes[] = 'current-menu-item';

    Thread Starter C8H10N4O2


    From what I understand at the moment :

    is_home use the WordPress Query API to know if the page is the home or not.

    If there is no query, as for the forum index page, is_home() will return true.

    By navigating in the forum, you append things to the URL i.e. you set a query so is_home returns false.

    Anyway, the quick fix is to use something to check if you are in the forum context, like for example if (defined('PUN_ROOT')).

    Don’t hesitate to post if you have any better idea or explication ! It’s more than possible my explications are false as I have a limited understanding of PHP and WordPress. Thanks again.

    Thread Starter C8H10N4O2


    Thank you very much for your answer.

    I’ll stay with a simple $attachments->search() on the name of the attachment for my project.

    I’ll post a feature request on Github regarding the possibility to include the filename in Attachment’s metadata.

    Again, thanks for this great plugin.


    This plugin allows you to authenticate a WORDPRESS user against an active directory server.

    A wordpress blog is readable by non-authenticated visitors.

    In order to achieve what I think you are trying to do, you’ll need either to make the blog readable for suscribers (and other wordpress roles) only, or to use Apache LDAP authentication.

    The form you’re looking for is the one displayed by puting wp-admin/ at the end of your blog’s URL.

    Thread Starter C8H10N4O2


    Thanks for your answer.

    Querying wordpress on the filename of an attachment seems quite difficult since the only field where this information is available is the guid in the wp_post table. I think WP_query can’t help here so a custom $wpdb query may be needed.

    Anyway I’m no developper and can’t do that so I decided to go with get_posts, which seems to search for the post_title, which is the filename without the extension in the case of an attachment.

    So this way I retrieved a list of attachment_ids but then I have to search for those attachment_ids using $attachments->search().

    But I don’t think I can do it with one $attachments->search() only : it seems like only one attachment_id is authorized in the $attachments->search() parameters list. Am I wrong ? (Feature request ?)

    I may succeed by doing a loop on the attachment_ids and as much searchs as ids I have, and then merge all the objects…

    Am I over-complicating things ?

    Maybe there is a workaround, like setting a new field “filename” in my instance, and pre-populate the field with the filename when a user attach a file to a post ? Is this possible (with a hook?) ?

    Many thanks !

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