Forum Replies Created
yes that’s what I needed…
thanks again…My problem is that i can’t create an array from text stored in sql.
[Please stop posting in uppercase. It’s the electronic equivalent of shouting and is considered quite rude. Post de-capped.[/em>
One more thing:
array in first post was printed with downloaded tool “db view”.
my problem is that i can’t create an array for text stored in sql.[Post de-capped]
Sorry but I need some more help.
Here is what I get :
a:5:{s:8:”filename”;s:28:”rome (04-14-12-09-41-42).jpg”;s:8:”contents”;s:0:””;s:10:”upload_dir”;b:1;s:10:”upload_url”;s:55:””;s:4:”size”;i:33416;}with this code after connecting to SQL:
$data = mysql_query (“SELECTfile-4f32d5ed8954d
= ‘fm-4f89eef749d55’ LIMIT 30″) or die(mysql_error());
$info = mysql_fetch_array( $data ) ;
echo $info[‘file-4f32d5ed8954d’].”</br></br>” ;
/* THIS PART ECHOES TEXT ABOVE */How to change printed text into array or …
I have tried something like:
$file = array( $info[‘file-4f32d5ed8954d’] ) ;
echo $file[‘upload_url’].$file[‘filename’].”</br></br>” ;/* BUT IT DOESN’T WORK. */
I will try it.
In meanwhile I have susceed to make it work by finding key words “file name” and “url” and counting letters what does the thing but I hope that this will work and make it easier in the future…
I not I will try to contact you again…
Best regards and thanks again…Dear;
I use form type with file upload field.
Please let me know is there any way to create link to uploaded file so I could download it in it’s original format. I just can’t make it happened.
This is how an array stored in sql table look when JPG pictoure is uploaded that I woul like to download:
[filename] => rome (04-14-12-09-41-42).jpg
[contents] =>
[upload_dir] => 1
[upload_url] =>
[size] => 33416
)(column name=file-4f32d5ed8954d)
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Can't change forms behavior type –Here is the link: Plugins
In reply to: Can't change forms behavior type –It’s ok now, thanks anyway… I have crated the same form and the error disepear by it self, didn’t happened again…
But now I have simulare problem with form that I have created as “User profile” behavior type on advanced tab. When submit all needed data in form from page, all subbmission data is displayed and at the end of page apears Edit subbmitted data link. When clicked form for changing subbmission data should apear but it dosn’t and error page apears like this one:
ForbiddenYou don’t have permission to access /beta/ on this server.
Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
Do I need to change permission role or user profile or what to make it posibile for users to change their data? …
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Can't change forms behavior type –Sorry,
I thought that this is Form Menager forum…I have installed form menager plugin in my wordpress and I have few form that I have created. When I try to change behavior type (in advanced tab of form) I recive message mention above.