Forum Replies Created
Hello @savvasha
Happy New Year 2022.I just want to check if the following patch file was already included in the latest version 2.7.13
Thank you @savvasha
It worked like a charm.
Congratulation for your quick support.Is this a patch or will be consider in future versions?
Let me know if I can work with you as a beta tester. I have some other tricky configurations that with a proper fix might improve the experience using the Sportspress.
Have a good day!
Great! Master Savvas.
Now, how can I implement it in my site?
What should I do?
Thanks for your effortHello Savvas, thanks for your quick reply.
What are those correct assignments in the statistics metabox of each player?
Following Roch’s example, I have the following in John’s profile:
– Current Teams: Eagles
– Past Teams: Bluebirds
– Leagues: MyCup, NewCup
– Seasons: 2020, 2021
Season: 2021, Team: -None-
Season: 2020, Team: Bluebirds
Season: 2021, Team: Eagles
Season: 2020, Team: -None-At the Player List, I have set the following:
– League: MyCup
– Season: 2021
As result, John does appear in that list.
But he should not appear, since he is not playing that league in that season.Hello @savvas
Any ideas?
ThanksForum: Plugins
In reply to: [SportsPress - Sports Club & League Manager] Set a Private LeagueHey @corrinarusso
That’s not the attitud.
I already implemented it successfuly with none overhead.
Let me explain the process for those who would like to test it.
1. Install
2. Define a user with role Player
3. At the Restrict User Access plugin, define the CPT League and chose the league to be restricted.
4. At the Restrict User Access plugin select the user for that restriction.
5. Voila!So, please @savaas, consider this issue as Resolved.
Hello Joachim Jensen @intoxstudio
Thanks for the reply. (I was waiting for this response)As you mentioned, Sportspress does specify a link for players, the way you indicated <domain-name>/player/<slug>, being that the permalink for an specific player. (you can see an example here (
That slug is assigned by me, when player′s team are imported into the platform.
User registration is also allow by the plugin (as a WordPress core functionality).
Later, I could assign a registered user to his/her player profile.So after complete what I mentioned above, the final scenario would be:
if a player/user wants to go to his/her profile (through the link <domain-name>/player/<slug> must be logged-in. So, the challenge is to find how to restrict that scenario.You mentioned premium URL Restriction add-on. Where can I read about it?
Thanks you.
Hello @savvasha
I just tested it and it worked as expected.
Now I have to tweak some setting in order to get font and color matches.
Thanks for your help.
RegardsHello @savvasha
Thanks for your quick reply.Sounds interesting your approach.
So, let me clarify.
So using the Tab plugin, I could define which player-list shortcode place in any tab. And later I could add the Tab shortcode into the Description textbox for each Team page. Am I right?Have you used the Tabs plugin? Is there a way to add nested Tabs, in order to define first the Seasons and then the Leagues?
Hi @savvasha,
Thanks for your quick reply
I will do what you mentioned.
I checked the files and now they are three (2 .php and 1.js).
Is there an update in the code?Hello @savvasha
Glad to contact you again.
I noted the version was updated to 2.6.18.The question is:
Were the above two commits file included in the latest version.
I am currently using the version 2.6.14, and I manually replaced the files in my plugin folder, and everything worked good (as I mentioned before)So, can I update to the latest version and keep the developed functionality?
Thanks for your support.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Adminimize] The Adminimize plugin needs improvements to work with PHP7.2Hello @bueltge
I have tested the 1.11.5-dev, over WP 5.1
So far so good.
Let me know where I can write my comments about the testing.
RegardsHola @rossarrio
La verdad que no conozco un plugin que pueda hacer eso.
Pienso que ya el hecho de trabajar con wordpress se necesitan un poquito de destrezas. La verdad que no dejaria que tu cliente lo administre solo.
Un saludoHola @rossarrio
Gusto en saludarte.
Soy usuario del plugin y me gustaria ayudarte (pues ya he pasado por dudas y problemas como los tuyos)Para lograr lo que desea, fijate lo que vas a hacer.
1.) Crear un Calendario.
Para ello vas al menú “Events > Calendar” y les das new.
Allí colocas los atributos asociados a dicho calendario (League, Season, etc)
Y guardas el post.2.) Generar el ShortCode
Para ello, en la misma pagina del calendario que creaste vas al menu de edicion de cotenido y presionas el icono “S” (relacionado a SportsPress) y luego Evento, y luego Bloque.
(ver Completar los detalles del ShortCode
Llena los valores asociados que quieres mostrar en el bloque.
(ver y ver
y luego le das al boton “Insert ShortCode”4.) Obtener el ShortCode
Una vez que completes el paso anterior, obtendrás el ShortCode que utilizarás (tal y como comenta @rochesterj en su respuesta anterior)
Nota: cierra la pagina del Calendario que creaste, pero sin salvar el ShortCode que se generó. Es decir, córtalo (Ctrl+X) y guarda la pagina del calendario.5.) Insertar el ShortCode
Ve a la página donde quieres colocar un calendario tipo bloque.
Inserta un tipo de contenido, denominado “ShortCode”
Finalmente, pega el ShortCode generado en el paso anterior.
(ver! Listo.
Este paso a paso que te hice, se refiere a como insertar un Calendario tipo Bloque.
Pero puedes insertar cualquier tipo de tabla mendiante ShortCodes, siguiendo mas o menos los mismos pasos. Solo asegurate de seleccionar que quieres en el menu “S” (tal y como explico en el paso 2.Saludos.
Y Exito!Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [SportsPress - Sports Club & League Manager] Agregar más opciones de “Time”Hola @sebantonini
Gusto en saludarte.
Yo soy usario del plugin y me gustaria ayudarte (pues ya he pasado por dudas como la tuya)
El atributo “Time” que mencionas (basado en el screeshot que colocaste), se refiere al “Time” en el que el post será publicado (acuerdate que WordPress trabaja e funcion de Posts), y la parte de “Events” en el plugin utiliza esta caracteristica para indicar cuando ocurrirá el evento (para luego utilizar en Calendarios, Listas, etc)Ahora bien, lo que mencionas de:
– Partido Ganado por ausencia de visitante
– Suspendido por Alerta Climatica
Mas bien se refiere a atributos o especificaciones del evento.
En tal sentido deberas agregar un nuevo atributo (o variable) en la sección de “SportsPress > Configure > Event Specs”Para una explicación mas detallada, te recomiendo leerte el siguiente post: