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  • bwp


    phattrance, I think you just need to restart the web service for that to take effect. ??

    Thread Starter bwp


    I just tried going to

    It redirected to, and eventually displayed the following:

    You don't have permission to access /index.php on this server.
    Additionally, a 403 Forbidden error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

    If I use it gets me to the WikiMail advertisement.

    Any attempt to pull up the Wiki, even by direct links to article URLs, just goes back to the WikiMail ad on the blog home page. It feels as if the current MailPress maintainers REALLY don’t want us to use MailPress. It’s like pulling teeth trying to figure things out without documentation.

    I still like the software, but that web site… ??



    You can kill a mailing that’s in progress by getting its ID (hover over it) and then pasting yoursite/wp-admin/admin.php?page=mailpress_write&id=XXX&action=delete (where XXX is the ID) into your browser.

    Doesn’t solve the issue for you, but holds back the spam for the short term.

    If nothing else has changed, is it possible your server host is repeatedly reloading your site, or screwing around with its timeclock?

    Thread Starter bwp


    Honestly, this has been an issue for months and months (years?). As someone who likes and uses MailPress every day, I have to wonder what’s going on!

    The web site was taken off line many months ago, you’ve only recently brought it back, and yet apparently it still needs cleaning up.

    You HAVE to understand how this destroys trust people have with the software. How secure could MailPress itself be when its own web site is so compromised?

    Most of us can’t even use the software properly because all the documentation is gone. (On top of that, the site is touting OTHER paid mailing solutions instead of MailPress.)

    For a long while I simply assumed you weren’t even developing MailPress any more, because the web site was shut down and then apparently owned by spammers.

    Please, clean up the site! You could just wipe it, restore some data from 3rd party archives.

    Of course I know this is free, open source, and that you owe us nothing. But this has really gone on too long if MailPress is to maintain its reputation….


    (end rant) ??

    Thread Starter bwp


    Thank you, Mike.

    Well, it’s a start. ??

    Thread Starter bwp


    1. So what is the purpose of the Visitor tab?

    (Mails, Forms, Add Form, Visitor, with “Subscription option” and “mail option”)

    Again, it works fine in Preview.

    2. If that is a broken MailPress feature, are there any ways to integrate with other Form software? (We currently use “Fast Secure Contact Form”.)

    3. Do you approve of the 3rd party add-on I mentioned above?

    Thanks in advance…



    Hey, found another “chunking” enabled piece of software, for which someone has already written a WP plugin – jquery File Upload.

    Also another possibility,

    (Found these while researching Gallery3, which is currently saddled with Flash.)



    Oh, and as to uploaded video conversion, is cool, except that it requires ffmpeg on the host (which is rare in shared hosting).

    I’ve used JWPlayer for video display, pretty effectively.

    But back on topic, I haven’t yet braved the PLupload WordPress chunk twiddling test.



    Hmm, apparently that PHP code is in the parent php handling the upload, whether it be Flash or HTML5, etc.

    Chances are slim that WP would have bothered to excise that, so I think there’s a real shot the functionality is all in there somewhere.




    Ah there’s my problem — that site hasn’t been updated since WP 3.2! Even their “trunk” is a dead end. Too bad, I liked the functionality.

    So instead, browsing at , I see that chunk_size is definitely still referenced in the code there.

    So it’s certainly worth a test or three to set it manually; apparently in wp-plupload.js one can set “an object of parameters to pass to the plupload instance.”



    Thanks, no I didn’t know about that service.

    This is for a not-for-profit, so I’d rather not use a pay service. But I’ll say this, I’m starting to understand why EVERYBODY in the world just gives up and embeds Youtube for their videos.

    I’ve been browsing the WP source (via the nifty and I can’t even find the PLUpload code, let alone the chunk_size variable. I’m not sure PLUpload is even in the trunk after all? All I see is the SWFupload and a “browser” upload, along with forms doing part of the work. But I’m not a php programmer so I may be missing it. The main container of course seems to be media-upload.php.

    Perhaps WP’s PLupload integration was just a rumor?



    Thanks for the feedback, Nilestreet. I was under the impression that PLupload, itself, already includes a Flash fallback, even in the WordPress Media Manager implementation.

    What I can’t yet find is where the chunk_size setting is controlled in WordPress’s core implementation (if at all). In stock PLupload that setting turns off chunking when set to 0…

    The only other solutions I can find involve either a separate application (e.g. for ftp) or a Java file manager / ftp client (and these days most people are busy disabling Java).

    Between the limitations of browser and http uploading (I think 2 GB, including AJAX) and host php limits, it seems we’re screwed. (Edit: hmm, maybe 2GB is just a default Apache limit.)

    I’m trying to figure out how Youtube does it — do Youtube users always need a plugin/app or not?

    It seems they use “chunking” in at least some of their current setup.!msg/youtube-api-gdata/9vvoY43XYOA/2DmWKu-y6WsJ!topic/gdata-objectivec-client/-n-hw3YcyMI

    My own immediate need is just to upload a ~250 MB file through WP admin, but I’m stubbornly trying to get it done without ftp, as a proving ground for regular user uploads.

    I guess I’d understand if this would all be solvable by moving from shared hosting to VPS or dedicated (even though my shared host doesn’t have ftp upload limits), but I’m not entirely sure it would all “just work” even then.



    Thanks, Nilestreet, that is exactly my question! (found this via search)

    It’s astonishing to me how difficult it is to use the premier CMS to upload a moderately large file, especially on shared hosting. Having “normal” people resort to separate FTP uploading is kind of crazy. I’ve been looking at AjaXplorer as well, but all the solutions seem to expect some kind of two-phase process with multiple apps and/or plugins.

    I only even found PLupload by accident, and then discovered the same issues you asked about here.

    For what it’s worth, PLUpload has later versions of its PHP software (both GPL and paid), but for whatever reason seems to have abandoned the WP integration.

    Even with the presumably-PLupload-powered WP media manager I can’t upload anything much bigger than 132 MB, so it still seems to be a host PHP limitation, which the “chunking” was supposed to workaround…

    Are there any OTHER plugins that can do a “chunking” upload?

    Seems so; if you install the latest version it explains that in the advanced settings, complete with a link to Twitter’s page on the subject.

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