Burhan Nasir
Forum Replies Created
In the free version, we have the “View all cities” icon in front of “List of Top Cities” heading of https://prntscr.com/mlt1w1. Upon clicking the icon it will redirect to Google Analytics special view where you can see all the cities.
It’s Analytify support thread. As your question is now related to Orbit Fox plugin. You should post it on their support thread.
Cheers ??
Hi nealumphred,
If Analytify is already setup then there is no need to turn on the Analytics integration from the Orbit Fox.
Hi there,
I just installed the “Awesome Support” free plugin and the problem didn’t generate on my end. Can you please contact us at https://analytify.io/support/ as we may need more details to troubleshoot this.
Hi atre123,
I just test this and its working fine on my end. Can you please contact us at https://analytify.io/support/ as we may need to troubleshoot this.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Google Analytics Dashboard Widget by Analytify] Keeps resetting to 7 days ?Strange, I tested on multiple sites and its working fine. Can you please contact us at https://analytify.io/support/ as we may need to troubleshoot this.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Google Analytics Dashboard Widget by Analytify] Keeps resetting to 7 days ?We just released the update. This has been added.
Hi Nanycat,
Analytify takes upto 24 hours to syncs the stats. Are you still getting the zero stats?
Hi Fadhil,
Yes, you can surely add a shortcode for this purpose if you have the pro version. Here it is
[analytify-stats metrics="ga:sessions" date_type="- 365 days"]
You can simply generate your desired shortcode by following our this guide
https://analytify.io/doc/how-to-add-simple-shortcode-in-post-or-page/Also, check out our documentation on shortcodes
Are you using the Custom API keys? If not, please confirm that “Do you want to use your own API keys ?” option is set to “No” from Analytify Settings -> Advanced tab https://prntscr.com/ltx8s2
You just need to ReAuthenticate again and the error will be gone. Go to Analytify Settings -> Authentication Tab. Click on the Logout button https://prnt.sc/ltx9wf than click on “Log in with your Google Analytics Account” button https://prntscr.com/ltx9mj.
Hi JKEngineer,
If I’m not wrong, Analytify shows only 2 profile in settings while you have more than two profiles on Google Analytics https://analytics.google.com.
Also, can you please contact us at https://analytify.io/support/ as we may need more info to troubleshoot the issue.
Hi Cavinter,
Sorry for the trouble. This issue happens when your SSL configuration is wrong on your server or cURL tries to fetch data from other servers.
Please get in touch with your Hosting provider and show them this error. They will surely update their server and solve this issue at their end.
After that, you can see the stats without any issue.
Hi Nate,
Thank you for reporting the issue. The issue is fixed and will release the new update within the next 24 hours.
Good to know.
Cheers ??
Are you using the Custom API? It seems that the incorrect redirect URI is entered on Google Developer Console. Below are the steps to confirm it.
1) Login to your site. Go to Analytify Settings -> Advance Tab and copy this redirect URI https://prntscr.com/lccez9
2) Login to Google Console https://console.developers.google.com/
3) Click on the “Credential” from the left and then click on your API under “OAuth 2.0 client IDs” https://prntscr.com/lccmtu
4) Paste your Redirect URI in ” Authorised redirect URIs” https://prntscr.com/lccn9n and click on save button.
After that, you will able to Authenticate again.