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  • @coreigh I am having the same issue as @arhsnsw and all of my classes have the period. Still not working. Mine, in fact, won’t even save. I put in my title, then enter all of my selectors (I have a lot since I am changing the entire site of my theme’s default font), and check the box that says “force styles override” and hit save. It won’t save. Just a continuous little spinning circle as if it’s trying to save, but nothing happens. It’s been spinning now for hours.
    Doesn’t save, therefore can’t change my fonts in the customize screen.
    Any ideas?

    @arhsnsw posted this issue months ago and there has been no responses from the developer. It seems quite a lot of issues and questions in the forum are ignored. No help. Some questions have been sitting unanswered for a year. ???

    Thanks for any help you can give!

    I am wondering this as well. It seems it only works for “paragraph” blocks. “lists,” “”quote,” etc remain the same. Please advise.

    Thread Starter Dlo015


    Hello? Any word from the developer on my questions??

    Thread Starter Dlo015


    There is no way for me to simply view the shortcode unless I hit “copy shortcode” (which it doesn’t actually show the code) and then paste it somewhere within my blog post, just so I can see it. THEN I have to look through the code for this ID number you’re telling me to find. THEN go back into the code editor in my wordpress, click on “appearance,” enter this convoluted CSS code….all just to increase the font size of my Poll Question?

    Sorry, but this is too time-consuming for something as simple as customizing the font size.

    I suggest you add this feature to your “Appearance” tab when users are creating their polls.

    I’m going to have to delete this plugin, unfortunately, because if I have to go through this silly process for every single poll I want to put on my site, it’s not worth the time.

    Thread Starter Dlo015


    Where do I find the poll ID?

    Thread Starter Dlo015


    Ok. I can do that. Can we make arrangements for this? I really want to use this plugin!

    Can you email me at *** so we can arrange for this?

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by Dlo015.
    Thread Starter Dlo015


    Any advice?

    Thread Starter Dlo015


    Here is all of the red! (I’m guessing this is all of it?)

    Uncaught Error: Invalid XML: <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html class="desktop
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    Thread Starter Dlo015


    It says:

    Uncaught Error: Invalid XML: <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html class=”desktop
    <head prefix=”og: fb: good_reads:”&gt;
    <title>Challenger Deep by Neal Shusterman</title>

    Thread Starter Dlo015


    How do I check my browser’s JavaScript console? Where do I go to see this?

    I’ve tried 2 ISBNs: 0061134147 for a book called Challenger Deep, and 1250144841 for a book called Sometimes I Lie

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