Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: can’t get any Amazon wish List plugin to workI couldn’t get that particular amazon wishlist plugin to work, because I was not able to get the wishlist.php template file to show up under “write” then “write page” under the page template drop down list.. wishlist wouldn’t show up in the list for the longest time.. THEN, when I finally figured out why (the template name was not at the beginning of the file) it kept giving me an error about not being able to display the wishlist..
so I gave up on that one, and tried “the cross’s amazon wishlist plugin” instead, and got help from him over ICQ with it, which shows a “random entry” in the sidebar, which is real neat,
except, I wanted to use lazyi’s plugin along with it, but had problems because of both plugins use duplicate functions exactally, its almost like the cross and lazyi used identical plugins or something but slightly different code (shrugs) so I gave up on it all and just put a link to amazon.com on my sidebar..
this is what I did
its the only thing I could think of to do.
take care.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: bug found in 2.0.4 with templatesoh nevermind I see why, has to do with my template…
well, how you supposed to create a new template file then? becasue it just shows a drop-down list, it doesn’t show how to create new template files (srugs)
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: bug found in 2.0.4 with templatesI AM TRYING TO FIX THE ISSUE, alright!!?? jeasus freakin christ..
alrighty, now can we PLEASE get back to this and stop the name calling??
YES I’ve tried reording them
YES I’ve tried “viewing source” of the page and no “template” word exists in the source at all..
and YES ALL plugins are DISABLED and I’m working from a new install here..
and YES I’ve tried whipping out the directory and reinstalling, I’ve tried this about 5 times now, each time same issue
any other questions? because I’m really getting tired of this
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: bug found in 2.0.4 with templatesbecause i need to add “wishlist.php” to the list of template files somehow (shrugs)
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: bug found in 2.0.4 with templatesI’m just wondering how I am supposed to be ablt to get to the custom page template thingy then? is there a direct link I can get to it from?
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: bug found in 2.0.4 with templatesyou can see for yourself here…
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: bug found in 2.0.4 with templatesyeap. installed and reinstalled like 3 dozen times…STILL not there…(shrugs)
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: amazon-wishlist pluginquestion I have about this plugin well this one
in the install instructions, it says
“create a new template file” wishlist.php er whatever
how the HECK are you supposed to do that???!!
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: permalinks for pages, not for posts, is possible?I know, its just doesn’t look good to say something like
or /yyyy/mmm/ddd/about/
that just looks dumb ?? so I dunno what to do but just leave it how it is with the /?page_id…oh well, thanks anyway
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: can’t get any Amazon wish List plugin to workwait..
is that my Amazon AWS Access Key ID? or my Amazon Associate Tag ID? maybe thats whats wrong, I’m confused about the two..
I used
myAmazonAWSAccessKeyId = ‘3O41QTMU0TJ87’;
as my AWS Access key ID, is that right?
I’m not talking about CG-Amazon, that one gave me errors all over the place and gave up on that one, I’m talking about the one from The Strong Cross…
the only problem I’m having with this one is the AWS ID, I don’t know if it requires the associates ID too or what? So far its the closest I’ve gotten to getting one to work, CG-Amazon, and the other ones, I didn’t get this far with them..
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: can’t get any Amazon wish List plugin to workyeah, my side bar says
“Warning! An error occured while generating your Amazon Wishlist. Make sure that you have a provided a valid AmazonWishlistID”
it shows that on the page
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: can’t get any Amazon wish List plugin to workI mean, according to your site, it looks like the last update was back in 2004? and each link of your site takes me to a different version. I think I will wait for someone else to reply with another solution.
thanks anyway
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: can’t get any Amazon wish List plugin to workwhere can I get your newest version at? is it still at https://www.chait.net/index.php?p=147 ? I am a bit confused.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: can’t get any Amazon wish List plugin to workI don’t remember, its been so long since I used CG-Amazon, I might want to try that option again.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: New Theme: Blancotoo wide, you need to make the blog area thinner for those of us who like to use 1024×768 or lower display resolutions ?? otherwise its pretty cool