Actually I would rate it 4.5 stars if I could.
I had a bit of an issue with spam submissions with the community/public submission addon. It seems to be sorted now (Have not noticed any new spam submissions).
My negatives:
The documentation could be a bit better.
Recurring events work a bit better than Helios, but formatting them properly is a bit of a chore. (Until you figure out the system).
I have used it on a small arts society website and so far have not had any problems with recurring events but I will also be using to on a large travel and tourism website that receives a ton of user submissions for events (they usually have 5-10 events per day) and I am a little apprehensive on how the plugin will handle them.
(site speed, user submission errors, spam etc…)
I am sure once i start development and we go live I will have some better feedback and perhaps then give it a full 5 stars.