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  • I have that too, it’s been happening for a month and even when the plugin “Action Scheduler” is deactivated.

    Cron job failed for me too, so tried manually & also failed instantly (been failing for about 2 weeks now):



    Every 1 week

    2022-10-10 02:55:02 +0000
    (6 days 7 hours)

    2022-10-03 19:14:39 +0000
    action created

    2022-10-03 19:18:14 +0000
    action started via Admin List Table

    2022-10-03 19:18:14 +0000
    action failed via Admin List Table: Scheduled action for rank_math/analytics/daily_tasks will not be executed as no callbacks are registered.

    same issue for me.
    following this thread.

    Oh sorry! I used the word “definitely” when I should’ve said “I believe” Hmmm. Wonder where my additional image sizes are coming from then. I don’t have Pro. Maybe WooCommerce or Elementor? Detective work is in order. Any tips welcome. Thank you!

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by RaraAvis.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by RaraAvis.


    Astra definitely creates additional images with each upload. You can access your image file uploads via FTP & see a list of the additional images generated for each image uploaded to the media library. Each generated image has appended text tagged onto the end of the file name like this: 300×300, 768×768, 800×800, etc.

    Some of these extra files come from WordPress itself and can be changed via your website’s WordPress dashboard panel in Settings > Media. I have 3 options to set: Thumbnail Size, Media Size, and Large Size. You can also just add this to the end of your domain (without the quotations) and it will take you to the settings page for your image sizes. “/wp-admin/options-media.php”

    When you are viewing the list vis FTP of all the extra generated images files, you’ll want to keep in mind your WordPress dashboard settings. Whatever you’ve typed into the fields for Thumbnail Size, Media Size, and Large Size, the image file names with those appended numbers come from there & all additional sizes (that don’t match those 3 dashboard settings) come from the Astra theme.

    It is highly recommended you paste the proper code into the functions.php of your Astra’s child theme functions.php and not Astra’s functions.php itself. Any changes made in Astra’s theme files will be overwritten every time the theme is updated & you’ll lose the modification. I know there is a way to prevent Astra from generating the images via the child theme’s functions.php file, but I’m not sure what code to paste into that file. It would be helpful if Astra provided this.

    Astra, can you provide us with the code to paste in our child theme’s functions.php file to prevent additional images from being generated?



    Excellent advice @ralphgl . I came here to say just the same. Thank you for this plugin @ksemel !

    Thread Starter RaraAvis


    I just enabled debugging & went through checkout process. Without pasting all of my info in this public forum, I am copying and pasting relevant part from log:

    [PAGESTYLE] => BrookebotDigiPlan

    So, yes it is included. I can send over entire log via email if you’d like.

    UPDATE: I just disabled sandbox just for the heck of it to test with the live account. With the live account, my logo from the custom page style DOES show, but the custom color DOES NOT show. The custom color form field in the PayPal Custom Page Style settings is “Cart Area Gradient Color”. See the image below for the preview I see when I am logged into PayPal and in the PayPal Custom Page Style edit screen:

    And the image below this line is the screen shot of PayPal Express page… missing color:



    Same here— site broke completely. I COULD access backend w/ the dashboard just fine. So glad I could do that so at least I could find out that this plugin was the problem. I COULD NOT access the website itself on the frontend. I would visit the domain & see NOTHING. Nothing but a blank, white screen. It took me a couple hours to find that the latest plugin update was what broke my site. So, I will be checking back on this thread to see if the problem is resolved.

    Theme used is Twenty Twelve & also activated Twenty Sixteen (same problem)

    Same here. Shortcodes showing on page & screwing up layout.

    Thread Starter RaraAvis


    Thank you lorro! This is extremely helpful!

    Thread Starter RaraAvis


    I will do this. I would like to leave this thread “not resolved” so that I may come back and update it when I have a log to look at. Thank you so much for taking the time to respond & I look forward to a solution!

    Thread Starter RaraAvis


    P.S. I have now enabled logging in PayPal gateway settings, but I am guessing this will not help with current issues – only future events will be logged. Also, the server error log is clear of errors.

    Thread Starter RaraAvis


    ah ha! Yes, looks like there is a problem here.

    my current settings for Instant Payment Notification (IPN) on under My Account > My Profile > My Selling Tools > Instant Payment Notifications:
    Notification URL: (w/ my domain instead of
    Message delivery: Enabled

    I visited (w/ my domain instead of & the page returns “PayPal IPN Request Failure”

    Here is where I found the URL to place in my PayPal setting over a year ago when I was having IPN issues: Under the pages section “The PayPal notification URL”

    Has this notification URL changed?

    Thread Starter RaraAvis


    I understand it was not recieved; that is the problem.
    My “Instant Payment Notification (IPN) history” log (in my account on shows that the IPN was sent. Is there another explanation for the IPN not being received other than a WooCommerce bug?
    I am here to ask for the answer from you because I believe this to be a WooCommerce bug. If this is not a Woocommerce bug, then can you think of any other reason why the IPN would not be received? If so, I will need to dig further to resolve the issue. The thing is, there have been no changes to my WooCommerce or to my PayPal Account settings. The settings have been the same for a year. I just don’t understand how a year of beautifully smooth transactions came to a halt so suddenly w/ this recent warning of the new PayPal IPN.

    Thread Starter RaraAvis


    I also found this

    It looks like this is a problem for many and not just because of the new PayPal IPN.

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