Forum Replies Created
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Automatic image url linking and size proposal in 2.9I’ve filed a bug about this issue here:
The workaround (until this fixed) is to go into the HTML source, and remove the ‘rel=”attachment …”‘ attribute that you’ll find on the link tag.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WP 2.9 image insertion no longer allows url to off site resourceFor anyone who’s interested, I’ve filed a bug about this issue here:
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WP 2.9 image insertion no longer allows url to off site resource=== WORKAROUND ===
THE PROBLEM (as I experienced it):
After inserting an image into a post, changing the “Link URL” has no effect. When previewing the post, the image link will appear to point to whatever URL you specify, but “Update”ing the post has no effect.THE SOLUTION
The “problem” occurs when the link has a “rel” attribute on it that refers to the uploaded image. You can see this in the HTML source by finding the link tag and looking for something like this:<a href="..." rel="attachment wp-att-1909">...
It’s that ‘rel=”…”‘ attribute that’s causing the problems. WP sees that and rewrites the href to point to whatever attachment that refers to.
To fix this, simply use the “HTML” tab in the editor to edit the source and remove that ‘rel’ attribute.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Subscribe to comments on iNoveIs the problem you’re having that the checkbox for “Notify me of followup comments via e-mail” doesn’t show up?
If so, the solution is to add the following line to line 180 of comments.php (right below the
tag):<?php do_action('comment_form', $post->ID); ?>
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Blank Page after Upgrade to 2.7I had the blank page problem. Re-applying the default theme fixed the problem.
I think the problem was simply that I hadn’t copied over my custom theme files. Even though WP appeared to have correctly reverted to the default theme as part of the upgrade, something was still broken. So just forcing it to explicitely apply the default theme fixes things… for me at least.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Everything blank? 2.7 upgrade…This seemed to be a problem with the theme I had installed. The problem went away when I re-applied the default theme.
(Note that even if the main blog page is blank, you can still get to the admin UI at …/wp-admin)