To lograyths:
Here is another .zip archive I made, you may try this if the .tar.gz archive doesn’t work.
To toppa:
Sure it is very welcome that include my works in next offical version of Shashin.
I also aware the argument may become too long, so I made both arguement I added is optional, so user could just pretend it doesn’t exist if they don’t need these new feature as eclectic.
I think the best way to overcome the learning curve maybe is provide user a simeple GUI just popup some window and let user choose what they want and generate markup for them (like “img” button in HTML mode editor) or even like the “Add Image” button in WYSIWYG mode provide a full GUI, but unfortunely I don’t understand JavaScript much and don’t have enough time to study and hack it before Octobor.
I will still try to do this if I got time after October, but have no promise because I don’t know do I have enough skill to achieve this.
Or maybe there is someone will to add this feature for all of us? :p