Forum Replies Created
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Database Error in WP 2.0I figured it out, I am using the enhanced post list plug-in ver 0.3 uploading to 0.4 fixed the problem
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Database Error in WP 2.0Not that I am aware of, and it happens every time I save an article to the database. I am using role manager for 2.0, but I tried deactivating it and it still does it.
I also tried running the upgrade script again and it still happens. It is probably why it takes so long to save articles. I don’t know ho long it has been going on because the error message is at the bottom of the page.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: subscribe menevermore, I don’t know what you mean? Did you install the plugin, which is not available on my site? did you place the php in your sidebar?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: subscribe mejefkem, I did that in the example I gave you, just change the url/
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Do Trackbacks work in 2.0.1Thanks, I know what they said they fixed, we ASSuMEd they didn’t break it in the first place. I want to hear form those, like me, that trackbacks discovered were broken in 2.0 and upgraded, and found it was fixed.
I had to hack the 2.0 release to get them to work, and this is not an option for me, but a daily need.
I really meant thank you!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WP 2.0 Remove Upload in Write WindowThat works, and it sure made me feel stupid! Thanks!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Image Codex Tutorial Does Not Workpodz, without position relative the picture will not display in IE.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: subscribe mesminc:
I put it in my sidbar:
<li><a href="" title="Subscribe to my feed, The Uncooperative Blogger" rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml"><img src="" alt="" style="border:0" /></a></li>
<li><a href="<?php bloginfo('atom_url'); ?>" title="Atom feed for blog"><img src="" alt="Atom" /></a></li>
<li><a href=""><img src="" width="96" height="20"style="border:0" alt="Add 'The Uncooperative Blogger' to Newsburst from CNET" /></a></li>
<li><a href=""><img src="" alt="RSS" /></a>
<a href="<?php bloginfo('rss_url'); ?>" title="RSS 0.92 feed for blog">[ RSS 0.92 ]<abbr title="RSS 0.92"></abbr> </a></li>
<li><a href=""><img src="" alt="RSS" /></a>
<a href="<?php bloginfo('comments_rss2_url'); ?>" title="The latest comments to all posts in RSS">[Comments]<abbr title="comments RSS"></abbr></a></li>
<li><a href="" title="The Uncooperative Blogger"><img src="" alt="Subscribe in Rojo" style="border:0" /></a></li>
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Upload images in WP2 problemI just want to get rid of the upload option, I use ftp for moving files and just link to them. That upload section takes up too much room for me. Why didn’t they make that reduce like the rest of the options?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How do I abbreviate or ‘excerpt’ my posts?I don’t know where the excerpt option went in 2.0, but you can decide where to cut of each article manually using the more function, or the page function.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: FireFox Performance with WordPressI went into the kses.php file and target is in there:
'target' => array ()),
So why is it stripping it in comments and addingrel="nofollow"
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Dashboard Templates?Ok,
Along this discussion I would like to get rid of that upload stuff in 2.0 in the write section. Can anyone tell me how to do it?Thanks
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: I can’t get my favicon to showuse this site, it works great: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: FireFox Performance with WordPressI checked and I already have it unchecked Paul. It doesn’t happen in the main write window, only performance, and in comments? I know there is a file somewhere that tells wp what code to allow, because I changed it once in 1.5, but I didn’t follow the rules about keeping a log.
Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: dofollow plugin to remove nofollowDenis, I have your plugin version 2.0 activated using WP 2.0 and it does not stop the nofollow from being added to links in my comments; any ideas?