Hi Paul,
Thanks for the reply. I worked through your suggestions and made some progress, but couldn’t quite get what I wanted. I think it may actually be an issue with the custom template I’m using (below). The price and amazon logo pull through, but not the thumbnail?
<div class="al_found%FOUND%">
%LINK_OPEN%<img class="%IMAGE_CLASS%" src="%THUMB%">%LINK_CLOSE%
<span class="amazon_price">
<span class="al_found%FOUND%">%LINK_OPEN% <img height=20px src="%BUY_BUTTON%"> %PRICE%%LINK_CLOSE%
<img src="https://www.assoc-amazon.%TLD%/e/ir?t=%TAG%&l=as2&o=%MPLACE_ID%&a=%ASIN%" width="1" height="1" border="0" alt="" style="border:none !important; margin:0px !important;" />