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Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Kippis] Internet Explorer 10Hi rogerjg,
I’ve been experiencing almost exactly the same issue with one or two of my sites with IE10 under Windows7 – I get a 404 error when going to /wp-admin. It’s only appearing under Windows 7 – I run Windows 8 and test in which is usually bang on the money.
I notice when I test your site this way I’m not getting the 404 you reported. Are you able to shed some light on how you went about fixing this (if you know at all). That would be swell.
For anyone else who is interested in helping out: The URL I’m using at the mo is:
I can confirm I’m having exactly the same issue on a dedicated server with Hostgator.
I am only using the csv as a backup as one admin user tells me they are not getting a full report of ALL fields – but I’m thinking that is likely to be their ISP rather than your plugin as myself and the two other admins say they can see all the fields in their copy of the email.
Forum: Alpha/Beta/RC
In reply to: Twenty Thirteen: Image FormatThanks, Dominick
Forum: Alpha/Beta/RC
In reply to: Twenty Thirteen: Image FormatI’m also getting the above error:
‘scuse the all caps – currently running it under WAMP which shows pretty error messages. Can’t find any reference to “the_image” as a function anywhere in the directory I have the beta installed in – besides line 13 of content-image.php
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Custom Field Template] Can't Insert Images Into PostErik – as per this is now fixed in version 2.0.7
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Custom Field Template] Insert Image Failure in 3.5There’s a 2.0.7 update out now that has fixed this problem as quickly as I’d noticed it. Restores my faith in this plugin, a plugin that is absolutely CORE to any site I build.
Thanks so much, Hiroaki!!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: wp_query and featured image problemOn the off chance that this post is found by someone looking for the same info – the Thumbnail data is held in a custom field (postmeta) so can be found by testing if the post has meta with a key of _thumbnail_id using a meta_query
Above query would be:
<?php $my_query = new WP_Query( array ( 'order' => 'DESC', 'meta_query' => array( array( 'key' = > '_thumbnail_id') ) )); ?>
I hadn’t actually clicked on the icon til I read this… but yes. Experiencing the same on 3.3.1 – Text link still works
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Custom Field Template] [Plugin: Custom Field Template] Dynamic select listHay Zeb.
Sorry – I’m not sure I’ve ever read your post til now. I really don’t understand what you are trying to do (though I fear it’s probably a bit late some three months down the track).
I’m not the developer of this plugin (clearly) but more than happy to help out anyone that is having issues.
Hi Zeb. I think you need to be a little more specific with your questions. As evidenced by what I’ve said I’ve used it quite extensively – but only for the purpose that it was suited: building more usable custom fields – which is a back end thing. If you don’t know how to use custom fields in the front end of the site, then I suggest you read up on these first. You’ll need particularly to look at the get_post_meta function.
As far as my experience goes, I’ve only being doing back end stuff. I haven’t even tried to use the shortcodes yet (had no need for them, I do my stuff at a template level in PHP).
If you have a specific query, I’m more than happy to help though. If you check out my forum profile you might see a few posts that I’ve made to assist others with this plugin.
Seriously… if you’re even semi-serious about custom theme development then this plugin is AMAZING.
I’m not sure what you base your analysis on, but I use this plugin for almost every site I build these days – and in the last two years I think I’ve probably built about 150 sites (around 40 I have used this plugin on). And it’s really, really easy to use for the basics.
The stuff we were discussing on the other thread that you posted your comment on is pretty advanced stuff, really… but I think once you get your head around it this too is fairly straight forward.
Yes… I agree the documentation is a bit scant, but that’s what this forum is for. It’s certainly not a waste of space, and I think your opinion should come with a disclaimer that it is just that… your own personal opinion and not a qualified, technical analysis.
I have to say I’m quite impressed by your own plugins that you’ve built and shared with the community… oh wait…
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Custom Field Template] [Plugin: Custom Field Template] Dynamic select listTaxonomies are stored in a completely different database table (as your code shows), so the idea of using “publish” won’t work as there is no field called “post_status” in the terms table.
I think you are trying to overcomplicate things. Post meta is post meta and taxonomies are best left well separate to this. If you are looking to associate a taxonomy with a post/page/custom content type then look into the Custom Post Type UI plugin. You can make custom post types and taxonomies with a UI and then associate the taxonomies with a given post type… then you’ll get a taxonomy box (like categories or tags in a normal post) when editing your content type.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Meta_Query – Query based on multiple custom fields keyHay – probably a bit late with a post here, and I’m probably not being very helpful, but I’ve just built a similar example (in spite of finding it difficult to find examples/sample code online) and it works just fine for me. In my example I’m using wp_query though
$myCompletedResearch = new WP_Query(array('post_type' => 'any','posts_per_page'=>-1,'orderby'=>'post_type','order'=>'desc', 'meta_query'=>array( 'relation'=>'or', array( 'key'=>'leadResearcher', 'value'=>$thisAuthor, 'compare' => '==' ), array( 'key'=>'otherResearchers', 'value'=>$thisAuthor, 'compare' => '==' ) ) ));
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Excluding pages by template in wp_list_pageshrmmmm ignore that… seems there is meta_key stuff built into wp_list_pages – I’ve just never used it!
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: How do i do hide the title of my Pilcrow blog?sure is, yup