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  • Plugin Author Rick Beckman


    That is so weird that that would have prevented OpenHook from showing up, but I’m glad you got it working!

    (Sorry for the delays between responses.)

    Plugin Author Rick Beckman


    Not without knowing more about the setup; have you tried disabling all other plugins & using the default theme to see if OpenHook shows up? If it does, it’s possible that there’s a conflict somewhere. If OpenHook starts working, re-enable everything one at a time to determine what causes the problems.

    Is this WP multi-site or a single installation?

    Is everything (WP, plugins, themes, OpenHook) up-to-date?

    Plugin Author Rick Beckman


    Well, that’s interesting. The plugin (assuming you’re using the latest version of it) relies on the edit_themes capability. Can you confirm that you have that capability assigned to you/your role?

    You can check it using this plugin, I believe:

    Plugin Author Rick Beckman


    Are you able to access it directly, via when logged in?

    Plugin Author Rick Beckman


    You got it! And thank you for using OpenHook. ??

    Plugin Author Rick Beckman


    If you want it in your <head>, add it to the wp_head box (under WordPress hooks).

    Adding just after <body> depends upon which theme you’re using.

    For Thesis 2: Add to an OpenBox and drag it to the very top of the main container in Thesis’ editor.

    For Thesis 1.8.x: Add to the hook thesis_hook_before_html

    For K2: Add to the hook template_body_top

    For Headway: Add to the hook headway_body_open (this is just a guess — I’ve never used Headway to see where the hooks are located, just to find out what they are named)

    For Flat: Add to the hook flat_body_top

    For themes supporting Theme Hook Alliance: Add to the hook tha_body_top

    Plugin Author Rick Beckman


    You have a lot of <br /> tags in your code; those will break the PHP; remove the ones mixed into the PHP, and you should be fine.

    Plugin Author Rick Beckman


    The issue is that you’re attempting to use a function which doesn’t exist (put_cute_profiles()) or which isn’t available at the time WordPress’ init() is called.

    Verify that your code is correct, and remember: It is very possible to completely break the front-end of your site by inserting invalid (even slightly invalid) PHP in OpenHook. Tread lightly!

    Plugin Author Rick Beckman


    Which hook are you wanting to do use? I have OpenHook running on Thesis 1.8.6 w/o any problems that I can find.

    Plugin Author Rick Beckman


    gordboy, thanks for the review! Be on the lookout for an update to be posted sometime soon! OpenHook is *not* forgotten!

    Flat’s publicly hosted on GitHub — its code is there for anyone to see. I can assure you, it contains no malware. Over the past few weeks, a few potential XSS issues have been resolved by adding in more of WordPress’ sanitization functions where needed, but as for directly containing malware? No.

    Generally, if your site is hacked — commonly by an automated script — the malicious code that they add will be added to your theme files, regardless of what the theme actually is. A former client of mine had her site attacked and her theme, based on the über popular Genesis framework, received all sorts of nasty code, resulting in a Chrome browser malware warning on her site.

    If your site is hacked and has malware, you need to change all of your passwords to something insane (mixing symbols in is less important than the length of your password; the more bits your password has, the longer it’ll take to crack) — FTP and/or shell account, web host, WordPress admin panel, etc. etc. Anything connected with your site.

    Your webhost’s server logs should allow you to search for weird query strings or other suspicious behavior, and your webhost may work with you to find the source of the problem.

    If, ultimately, the problem was with Flat — an insecure function call, a variable not properly sanitized, etc. — please let us know, and we will harden that part of the theme further.


    Could you be more specific about what bugs you’re experiencing? Sharing error messages or expected vs. actual behavior would be useful for the developer or contributors to track down what is going on.

    You could always create a child theme to accomplish this. Perhaps the simplest way would be this:

    * Create an empty directory in wp-content/themes/ called private.
    * Add a file to private/ called style.css.
    * Add the following to style.css:

    Theme Name: Private
    Template: flat
    Version: 1.0
    @media screen and (max-width: 800px){
    .site-title img { display: none; }

    Of course, change the 800px to whatever width less than which your logo image will be hidden.

    Also, this seems to work if you uncheck then check the “show post excerpt” option in the customizer, then save your options. The problem is that Flat’s default option logic is backwards — it’s assuming the default is “checked,” but WordPress’ handling of options is “default = unchecked.” So you have to jog its memory, so to speak, by resetting the option manually.

    I’m going to be creating a pull request soon to get HTML5 support added to Flat; unfortunately, I can’t do gallery. I’m not keen enough on CSS to make the needed adjustments, but this should hopefully get the ball rolling.

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