Rick Beckman
Forum Replies Created
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Jetpack - WP Security, Backup, Speed, & Growth] Okay, But Stop Pushing AIWhy can’t the AI feature be disabled altogether? Numerous other Jetpack features can be turned on and off at will, but now the AI stuff is mandatory, with clutter appearing in a variety of places, such as the post-level options on the post editor screen. (It’s not enough that the Jetpack sidebar already has all of the settings?)
It seems like a dark pattern — Jetpack is virtually quintessential for all of the great features it has, but over time, more and more is included only as an upsell. It makes the AI stuff in the post editing options not just needless clutter… but an advertisement as well.
Forum: Developing with WordPress
In reply to: Possible to Filter FSE Blocks?Went ahead and opened a ticket. Thanks!
Forum: Developing with WordPress
In reply to: Possible to Filter FSE Blocks?I had no interest in installing a bunch of JavaScript tools on my computer, but I did eventually accomplish what I wanted, I think. I was able to use the plugin Lazy Blocks to create a block and use it in the FSE.
Edit: False alarm. While it looks like the code was working — I get my moderation links output… they’re being output with a comment ID of 0. Evidently despite being in the comment block in the FSE, WordPress isn’t allowing it to see which comment is currently being rendered. The frustrations never end…
Here’s my almost-working code I’m using in Lazy Blocks in the Frontend box for my block. Removing the get_comment() check at the top allows the links to load, but they point to comment #0, which of course doesn’t exist.
<?php if ( current_user_can( 'moderate_comments' ) && get_comment() ) { $moderation_links = ''; $comment_id = get_comment_id(); $nonce = esc_html( '_wpnonce=' . wp_create_nonce( "approve-comment_$comment_id" ) ); $moderation_links .= '<div class="wp-block-comment-edit-link">' . "\n\t"; # Mark comment as spam $moderation_links .= '<a target="_self" href="' . admin_url( "comment.php?action=spam&c=$comment_id" ) . '" title="mark this comment as spam">Spam</a> | '; # Return comment to moderation queue $moderation_links .= '<a target="_self" href="' . admin_url( "comment.php?c=$comment_id&action=unapprovecomment&$nonce" ) . '" title="unapprove this comment">Unapprove</a> | '; # Delete comment $moderation_links .= '<a target="_self" href="' . admin_url( "comment.php?action=trash&c=$comment_id" ) . '" title="trash this comment">Trash</a>'; $moderation_links .= "\n</div>"; echo $moderation_links; } ?>
- This reply was modified 1 year, 7 months ago by Rick Beckman. Reason: my problem wasn't fixed
Forum: Developing with WordPress
In reply to: Possible to Filter FSE Blocks?I’m looking into the walkthrough you mentioned, James.
Feels like a whoooole lot more work than posting a block of code in a dedicated plugins or theme functions file, though.
This is the code I’m going to be attempting to adapt into a block…
function shareable_add_comment_moderation_links( $moderation_links ) { $comment_id = get_comment_id(); $nonce = esc_html( '_wpnonce=' . wp_create_nonce( "approve-comment_$comment_id" ) ); # Mark comment as spam $moderation_links .= '<a target="_self" href="' . admin_url( "comment.php?action=spam&c=$comment_id" ) . '" title="mark this comment as spam">Spam</a>'; # Return comment to moderation queue $moderation_links .= '<a target="_self" href="' . admin_url( "comment.php?c=$comment_id&action=unapprovecomment&$nonce" ) . '" title="unapprove this comment">Unapprove</a>'; # Delete comment $moderation_links .= '<a target="_self" href="' . admin_url( "comment.php?action=trash&c=$comment_id" ) . '" title="trash this comment">Trash</a>'; return $moderation_links; } add_filter( 'edit_comment_link', 'shareable_add_comment_moderation_links', 1 );
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Jetpack - WP Security, Backup, Speed, & Growth] Reset Jetpack Stats@lastsplash A complete reset is exactly what I’m after. I already did the disconnect process, so you can do the wipe whenever you’re able.
Thanks so much!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [OpenHook] OpenHook hooks goneWell, that is unusual. I plan to revisit OpenHook and get it updated with some cleaner code and maybe some new features sometime soon, but I’ve not had a whole lotta time lately to get to it. Fortunately, it seems to still be working in most cases. Phew!
That site looks great, and I’m proud OpenHook is working behind the scenes for it. Keep it up!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [OpenHook] OpenHook hooks goneGlad to hear it, @laburke!
I’m curious, what’s the URL of the website, if you don’t mind sharing? I really don’t often hear about where OpenHook is being used at, and a Chamber of Commerce site sounds like a really interesting use!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [OpenHook] OpenHook hooks goneCan you verify for me that the action groups that you’re using are activated on OpenHook’s general settings page?
Deactivating and reactivating OpenHook should have no effect upon your hooks or settings. I never got around to implementing any automated cleanup of options, so add/remove the plugin at will to troubleshoot. ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [OpenHook] Can't access open hook with admin user (me too)That is by design. The nature of OpenHook allows similar control over a site as would editing actual files. A site locked down against file changes should not allow OpenHook to run either.
I admit the idea isn’t perfect, but given that the thing runs arbitrary PHP, I had to include some safeguards. I’m open to suggestions.
+1, came here to report this same thing.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Upgraded to 4.4.2 Can't Edit Posts, Pages, or Write New PostsDoes the problem persist if you deactivate OpenHook?
Don’t worry; deactivating OpenHook will not cause your customizations to be lost. Simply activate OpenHook again and they’ll be there.
Also, have you tried temporarily turning off whichever action groups you’re using in the main options of OpenHook to rule out anything that may be in your custom code?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [OpenHook] WooCommerce HooksThat’s absolutely possible! Is there a list of WooCommerce’s hooks available online anywhere?
In the meantime, you can still use WooCommerce’s hooks by adding custom hooks to OpenHook via the admin interface — in fact, just about ANY hook in ANY plugin, theme, or WordPress itself is accessible in this way!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [OpenHook] Thesis and comic easel front page please help.If you still need an answer (and SORRY!!! for the delay), try placing this code in any of the available hooks in OpenHook:
<?php if (function_exists(‘ceo_pluginfo’)) ceo_display_comic_post_home(); if (function_exists(‘ceo_pluginfo’)) ceo_display_comic_area(); if (function_exists(‘ceo_pluginfo’)) ceo_display_comic_post_info(); ?>
Of course, you can include each line in a different hook if you wanted, like:
<?php if (function_exists(‘ceo_pluginfo’)) ceo_display_comic_post_info(); ?>
in one and<?php if (function_exists(‘ceo_pluginfo’)) ceo_display_comic_area(); ?>
in another.Make sure to enable PHP on the hooks you’re using, and this should do what you want.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [OpenHook] OpenHook – open_basedir restriction in effect error crashing blogThanks! This will be fixed in 4.2.1, which is a minor update that does little more than improving the localization aspect of the plugin.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [OpenHook] can't access open hook with admin usesrI’ve worried about that. OpenHook’s killer feature — the ability to execute whatever PHP you want anywhere that there are hooks available — relies on the PHP function
, which is generally regarded as ridiculously insecure. I’ve taken every precaution within the plugin that I can think of to prevent Bad Things from happening, but I’m still surprised that the plugin works on as many hosts with as many different site setups as it does.I’ll take a look at iThemes Security Pro next time I’m digging into my code and see if there are any true conflicts that I can resolve. Thanks for the heads up!