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  • Ramnath007, I have the same problem. I enabled ‘moderate comments’ for Contributor but I can’t see the tick boxes either.

    If anyone knows a solution, please post info. Thanks.

    I enabled the “moderate comments” option for the Contributor role in the Role Manager plugin. It doesn’t work.
    When you log in as a Contributor and try to approve a comment, it says you have no edit comments rights.
    There is no ‘edit comments’ role that you can enable in the Role Manager. I have tested this several times, the “moderate comments” feature in Role Manager does not appear to enable the sufficient rights in order for it to work.

    You can enabled other rights like “edit posts”/edit other’s posts etc. but then the Contributor will have access to change every other Contributor’s posts on that blog as well, which of course cannot be allowed.

    Giving Contributors the ability to moderate/approve COMMENTS on their blog posts (without having the ability to approve POSTS) is an important feature. If anyone has an alternative solution or maybe a different plugin that can do this, please post info.


    jordan, did you find a solution? I have the same problem, I also installed the Role Manager and enabled “moderate comments” for the Contributor role.
    However, the contributors cannot moderate comments. There is no tick box next to each comment on the list for the contributors to select, to approve it.

    If you found a solution, please post it or if you found an alternative plugin, please post info. Thanks!

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