Thanks, I’ve created a child theme (that took way toooo long to find the correct answer to this simple question. ) and ready to edit PHP? Sounds scary, how do I do that as a beginner without messing up the site, do I do a backup 1st, if so how?
I’ve already created the site and removed the “Powered by WordPress” but now just need to change the Copyright bug to my name, not the default of my clients name?? I’ve been searching and reading the support/forums for days to find the exact answer. this should not be this hard to change something that everyone wants to change!?
I am also new to WP and want to change the copyright info from the default name of the site to my name as designer/developer? I don’t know PHP, CSS or child theme… is there a specific step by step for beginners?
Can not delete, edit or move the Widget 1, 2 or 3 from the Responsive theme page. I cant believe all of the same issues i’m reading about with removing widgets, some forums go back 5 years and this has not been made easier?!? wtf