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  • Plugin Author bramwaas


    thank you Johan, that helps me trying to reproduce the issue.

    This is no excuse, I will try to solve the problem anyway

    But warnings should not be shown in a production environment. It looks like your site has got a line

    Define('WP_DEBUG', true)

    in the wp-config.php file. This line should not be in production. If you remove it, or change true to false, the warnings will no longer be visible.

    This could be a work a round for now.

    Regards Bram

    Plugin Author bramwaas


    thanks for reporting this issue with a very clear screenshot.

    I’m going to look into it and hope to fix it soon.

    Would you help me with the following information:

    – the version of the plug-in – the version of your WordPress installation

    – do you use the block directly, or the widget (via legacy widget block)

    – Did you refresh the data after the last update with the Reset Id button (in advanced settings) or would you like to try that again?

    Regards Bram

    Plugin Author bramwaas


    I found a way to reproduce the issue and at the same time found that I had already solved it (partly) in version 2.1.3. without mentioning it in the changelog. I have now added this in the changelog.

    If you save the block in a version before 2.1.3 (2.1.2 or 2.1.1) the value of the layout field is saved as a character in stead of an integer. (“layout”:”1″ in stead of “layout”:1).

    In the front-end this is no problem Php converts it to the correct integer and you see the hierarchical layout.

    In the block-editor it is. Javascript doesn’t see an integer value and assigns the default value of 3 (old style). In version 2.1.3 I have solved it at some point during testing by adding an extra parseInt before saving. This works if you save the block with version 2.1.3 but not if the block is saved in an earlier version. But after you change the value in the block editor in v 2.1.3 and save it the issue is gone.

    Plugin Author bramwaas


    Hi Matthias,

    I’m glad it’s not so urgent anymore. Now I can take a slower pace and see if I can make the behavior of the ‘layout’ field a bit more robust and reliable.

    Thanks for your efforts.

    Regards Bram

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by bramwaas.
    Plugin Author bramwaas


    Thank you,

    makes me happy to hear this.

    Regards Bram.

    Plugin Author bramwaas


    Hi Matthias,

    Thank you for your positive response.

    It is indeed annoying that the settings are reset to default when you use the block editor. That is certainly not the intention. I’ll look into it and hopefully fix it.

    The first step is of course to reproduce it, then I will come back with a solution direction and an estimate of the lead time.

    Could you help me by indicating which WP version and plugin version you are using.

    Kind regards,


    Plugin Author bramwaas


    Publish version 2.1.1 as solution for this support issue.

    Added new lay-out for block with first date line on a higer level li. ‘Start with summary’ toggle-setting changed in ‘layout’ select-setting with options ‘Startdate higher level’, ‘Start with summary’, ‘Old style’.

    After some testing with Elementor:

    As far as I can see the Elementor editor is not compatible with Gutenberg blocks. Therefore synchronized widget lay-out with block layout by largely using the same code.

    In widget use ID based on timestamp in blockid setting. To be sure that ID in frontend is the same as in admin form. (this was not always so with the ID based on instance-id of widget).

    Added reset ID in settings to change the ID once and in the same time clear the transient cache which is named after the blockid. Removed clear cache now setting in widget because ResetId is more reliable.

    Plugin Author bramwaas


    Blocks of this plugin are not working in versions below 5.9.

    After some testing with WP 5.8.3 with and without Elementor I only could get the Legacy widget working. After some time I remembered that the version of the blocks I use works only good from a certain version of WP and indeed I found this in my Installation section:

    For WP 5.9 and higher: As soon as you activated the plugin, you should see a new block ‘Simple ical Block’ in the (block) Editor in the category Widgets.

    Meaning that you need wp 5.9 or higher to use the Block lay-out.

    If it took me so long to conclude this I can’t blame other users at all. So I will also clearly state this in the Details section.

    I still will make further developments and new lay-outs only available in the block.

    Plugin Author bramwaas


    Hi Marijn,

    Thanks for your reply it is a pity that this was no solution for your issue. Now I have to dive deeper. I hope to have a solution within 14 days. If I see a work-around earlier I will report it.

    When I looked at the site for which I build this plugin for that runs in Wp 5.9.5 with the block in the side-bar widget area I see the same issue with the block settings. So I can make a test- environment where I can reproduce that issue.

    I know nothing about elementor, but I will make an environment with your version of Wp. And elementor for further tests and better answers to your questions. If necessary I will update the lay-out of the old-fashioned widget.

    In answer to your current questions:

    The first figure is the right place to find the blocks, but only the text blocks are shown, there are many more than are showed in this picture. You can scroll down or search with ‘ical’. With that key you should find both the old-fashioned widget and the block.

    In the second figure I see that elementor only shows the old-fashioned widget, but I would be curious what is diplayed under the tile Block.

    Version -5.8.3 is not the latest version of Wp. 6.1.1 is the current newest version, v6.2 is coming soon and as I mentioned In one website I use 5.9.5. But this is not an excuse, my plugin should work with 5.8.



    • This reply was modified 2 years ago by bramwaas.
    • This reply was modified 2 years ago by bramwaas.
    Plugin Author bramwaas


    Hi Marijn,

    Could it be that you use the Widget not the Block.

    I have kept the old-fashioned widget for users who already used the widget, but I stopped further development of the lay-out.

    So I have the newer lay-out options like start with summary only developed in th Block.

    If you use the widget I hope you can replace it by the block then the option should be available?

    If that is not a solution let me know. Then I will look at the issue again tomorrow and try to find a solution or work-around soon.



    Plugin Author bramwaas


    Hi Marijn,

    Thanks for your comment.

    At first glance, an option to set the start date to a higher level seems like a good addition. I’ll definitely think about this.

    Showing the start date again and again for each item, even if it is the same as the previous one, is less attractive to me, but it is very easy to realize, so I will also think about that.

    It will be some time before I put one of these options into production.

    The ‘Start with summary’ option is the fifth of block options, see linked picture. I hope that helped you right away.



    • This reply was modified 2 years ago by bramwaas.
    • This reply was modified 2 years ago by bramwaas.
    • This reply was modified 2 years ago by bramwaas.
    • This reply was modified 2 years ago by bramwaas.
    Plugin Author bramwaas


    2.0.3 Added initial values for new attributes in transform. Preview has now always correct existing attributes. In my tests this was enough to avoid the warnings.

    Plugin Author bramwaas


    Yes you can.

    Starting with version 2.0.2 that I deployed yesterday in it is possible to choose the tag for the summary (title) from a list, but only in the block (Simple ical Block) that is aavilable if you use Wp5.9 or higher. The Lay-out of the block is generally the same as the lay-out of the widget, but in the newer settings are only avalable in the block.

    So after updating to version 2.0.2 you can transform the Legacy widget block: with the Simple Google iCalender Widget to the Simple ical Block.
    Click on the icon of the legacy widget with the tooltip ‘Change blocktype or style’.
    Choose Simple Transform to: Simple ical Block.
    The block will be transformed and the settings will be kept te same. Maybe you get a warning that there is no preview available (probably something with the new settings that are not immediately available, I got this message only with the oldest widgets) but if you save and reload the page the preview will be available.
    Then you can choose another ‘Tag for summary’ in Advanced settings of the block (settings are now in the sidebar).
    Only the a tag has the link you want to remove. So choose the one that suits you best.
    Besides the link also the the line-break (<br>) after the first line will be removed.
    When you choose the div (or h4,h5,h6) tag that doesn’t matter because they have a display style block. If you choose an other tag you may want to add the br tag again by inserting <\b\r> at the start of the ‘Time format time summary line:’ setting, or add some css (eg.ical_summary{display: block;}).

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 9 months ago by bramwaas.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 9 months ago by bramwaas.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 9 months ago by bramwaas.
    Plugin Author bramwaas


    Hi kkitran,

    Thank you for your positive comment and review.

    The field ‘Number of events displayed:’ should work. I use it many times when testing and it almost always works.
    The only thing I can think of with the information I have now is an error retrieving events. In that case, the cache (wp transient) of the plugin may not be refreshed and the old set may be given again.

    If you send me the ical file (bram at the values of the options I can try to find out what the issue is.


    Bram Waasdorp

    Plugin Author bramwaas


    Hi Chris,

    released version 1.5.0 with option “(temporary) Do not process DST in series events when already automatically processed.” default unchecked.

    When you check this option the code that subtracts 1 hour of the event-time is turned off.

    I hope this work-around will help you until I have found definitive solution.


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