Daily digests are not being delivered on my system. Months ago when I was first running mailpress I had three log files, MP_Log_0_mp_sched_proc_newsletter_yyyymmdd.txt, MP_Log_0_mp_process_batch_spool_send_yyyymmdd.txt, and MP_Log_0_mp_mail_yyyymmdd.txt.
Now only two are bing generated and I’m thinking the MP_Log_0_mp_sched_proc_newsletter_yyyymmdd.txt job is not properly running or creating the email entry for the daily newsletter. I checked the Mailpress_mails table and see no digest entry there for a given day. I tried manually runnig the following cron taks to no avail: do_action(‘MailPress_register_newsletter’);
Also, I’d like to get a fresh WordPress 5.4.4 (which is what I am running) as it has been removed from the WordPress plugins site. I installed a backup from when the log file was being generated but to no effect, so perhaps a database issue.
Ideas would be appreciated!