Hi focallocal, did you find any solution for your shortcode problems ?
I m looking for some help to my probelm,
wich is that I m trying to make galery that would insert the picture in a page by choosing from the category of pictures,
for exemple I upload new pictures with the category “wood” in the wordpress media library, I give to each new picture the category “wood”.
Then on a page on my website I want to have a short code that will take all the pics (old and new ones) with the category wood to display it on that pages.
so far I m using ultimate shortcode, with this shortcode:
[su_custom_gallery source=”taxonomy: media_category/14″ limit=”50″ link=”lightbox” width=”230″ height=”230″][su_custom_gallery source=”posts: recent” limit=”50″ link=”lightbox” width=”230″ height=”230″][/su_custom_gallery]
When the page load an error apears saying ‘images not found’.