First, thank you for your awesome plugin, donmik!
Second, I wanted to add an image size upload limit of 1MB and the only thing I had to do in the plugin “bxcft_updated_profile” function was to add:
&& $_FILES['field_'.$field_id]['size'] < 1000000
after this code:
// Handles image field type saving.
if (isset($_FILES['field_'.$field_id]) && $_FILES['field_'.$field_id]['size'] > 0 .......here......... ) {...
I hope this helps others with the same problem ?? !
Ah, also if you want to scale the image view in the profile edit section add width=”300″ for example between the src and alt:
<img src="<?php echo $uploads['baseurl'] . bp_get_the_profile_field_edit_value(); ?>" width="300" alt="<?php bp_the_profile_field_input_name(); ?>" />
The rest can be done with CSS to display the image in your html!
Have fun!