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  • Hi,
    same to me. A linebreak destroys the export and I always have to remove all linebraks in the database prior to an export. It would be very helpful to fix this in the plugin.

    Mange tak!


    Hi Cais,

    it seems you forgot the browser and operating system (including versions) in your enumeration what has to be exactly the same. That is from my 20 years of beeing responsible for first and second level support the biggest issue.
    Sorry for that but this is from my point of view a lame excuse.
    It would be a great conicidence if all user requests I found regarding the issue with the wrong path in [pageview] have exactly the same configuration, so the problem has to be something more general.

    It would be helpful to tell all the readers how you solved the problem for sleip. Even if the settings are different it could help another one to look into the right direction and that what a support-forum should be for.

    Of course it is never a good idea to modify the core of any plugin, but sometimes you need a quick (and sometimes dirty) solution. My remark should only help other users of your software with the same problem to find a quick fix.

    It would be very nice of you to tell everyone how you solved the problem at the specific installation of sleip.

    Many thanks in advance


    Hi Cais,
    thanks for your response. But I guess it is not an specific issue on a specific site (when I look at the google results for this issue).

    It would be great if you have posted the solution for the above issue, perhaps someone other could find it useful.
    BTW: I found many threads in the support-forum for NextGEN Gallery, which don’t provide a solution. Perhaps you should rethink this strategy.

    For myself I found inbetween a workaround. I rewrote the template-file:
    The content of [pageview] in $galery (which should be the path to the static thumb) pointed to something strange. You find elements of the path also in some other parts of the used object ($galery), so you can easily replace the wrong path with a working one.

    Hi Sleip,

    I have the same problem (and you really find this problem often, but in most cases no solution for it)
    As I see on your webpage you found a solution, the albums there have thumbnails.
    Could you perhaps indicate how you solved this problem?

    Many thanks in advance


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