You’ll have to edit two files in /wp-content/plugins/baw-manual-related-posts/inc/
comment or delete this block of code (lines 111 to 116):
if ( isset( $sitepress ) && null === $langs ) {
$langs = $sitepress->get_languages( “en’ AND active=’1”);
$codes = wp_list_pluck( $langs, ‘code’ );
$langs = wp_list_pluck( $langs, ‘default_locale’ );
$langs = array_combine( $codes, $langs );
comment or remove this code (lines 39 to 43)
if ( isset( $sitepress ) ) {
$langs = $sitepress->get_languages( “en’ AND active=’1” );
} else {
$langs = array( array( ‘default_locale’=>get_locale() ) );
an put this one instead:
$langs = array( array( ‘default_locale’=>get_locale() ) );
Don’t worry about the deleted code. It has an error in the query (maybe it worked in previous wordpress versions) so it always returns an empty array.