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On a side note, does exporting/importing your form not work vs recreating the form?
Not sure if it proves a bug. Assuming the browsers your testing are still being supported and up to date, does Ninja support the older browser versions would be my next question.
I had a similar experience with forms not displaying on IE 11 browsers. Then ninja released update a few weeks back and that resolved the issue with forms not displaying on IE browsers.
I realize its impossible to support older devices/browsers but noting that fact, if known, would be extremely helpful.
Perhaps you could try testing older version of ninja and form with the devices having issues.
In the forms, under Restrictions options, check and see if you had enabled “Limit Submissions”. This was causing my form to stop displaying after the number of submissions entered. I misunderstood this option and have since disabled it and now the form appears to be working normal.
Problem with the form not displaying only began for us at version 3.2.12 and only affected IE browsers.
Version 3.2.13 resolved IE browser display bug.
Version 3.2.14 security update was applied and now the form will work for a while an then users report that the form is not displaying and it affects all browsers.
Any ideas of what I might try to debug when using an existing setup? Tried disabling all plugins (5). Duplicating the form and using the new form ID temporarily fixes the form display issue on all browsers… not sure why?
I have posted question to Hoster regarding allowing loopback connections. They allow it in my other accounts with them. I will let you know as soon as they have responded.
Is there a reason they would not allow http loopback connections?
I upgraded 3.2.5 to 3.3 using default settings, ran backup job and server self connect test reports error:
Not expected HTTP response:
WP Http Error: connect() timed out!There doesn’t appear to be any performance issues from my other performance test results that would indicate host issue.
If my other wp-cron jobs are working then why does the server self connect continue to have time out issues?
Hopefully this is something that the next revision will resolve.
I thought originally that it was my host causing cron issues. But I had recently setup a new wordpress site, installed backwpup and that site’s backwpup plugin works, with the same host!
I have tried all of the solutions offered in this post and others with little luck. The alternate wp-cron worked once and then failed afterwards.
I would like to run manual jobs but the self-connect-test reports the same error and my backup job fails to run.
Any other quick fixes I can apply?
Yes, scheduled posts works.
I tried removing 3 lines from class.job and setting manual job but backwpup still won’t work.
I’m attempting to run a manual job but it seems to get hung up on the cron test.
Is it having problem obtaining “BackWPup_Job::get_jobrun_url”?
My URL resolves ok.
I can ping domain name and receive new ip address reply.
But, not access website via https://”ip address”. It’s a shared environment. Always has been and does not affect other sites in same environment running backwpup.
I updated the salt keys, flushed caches, reactivated plugin but same error.
When I run the full http request for wp-cron.php it takes less than a second.
Accessing Backwpup/Settings/Info takes 15+ seconds.
Backwpup worked prior to my host changing a bunch of website ip addresses.
I installed a new website domain with wordpress 4.4.2 and Backwpup 3.2.5 on same host and backup works fine.
Unfortunately, deleting backwpup plugin and cleaning any backwpup references in mysql db has not resolved issue. I have also installed W3 Total Cache and it has improved response times but not fixed wp-cron connect time out.
Call Stack results show this if its any help:
wp-includes/plugin.php:525I removed the 3 lines, deactivated/re-activated plugin and received same error but displayed differently.
Added 3 lines back and run job, and it worked. But today, its not working.
If it is a performance issue with webhost then I’m not sure what I need to tweak to get backwpup server self connect function to not time out and report error The HTTP response test get an error “connect() timed out!”Missing or not expected HTTP response headers: .
Perhaps next backwpup revision could add performance info in Settings that would inform us if this plugin will work or not based on user’s current webhost resources?
Backwpup was working prior to my webhost performing background resource changes that affected the folder location of my www files and my dns ip address for my websites. Normal procedure for my webhost to improve services but has obviously caused BackWPup to fail.
Since that change, BackWPup has begin randomly failing with the errors I had mentioned in my earlier post, regardless of backwpup version used. (old or new) or any uninstalling/reinstalling/reconfiguring of this plugin etc.
When I install BackWPup on a new site for the first time everything works as expected with this plugin. Lets hope the host doesn’t perform routine maintenance for a while yet.
Plugin works “until” something absolute is no longer absolute.
Added define alternate-wp-cron true to wp-config and was able to manually run jobs twice.
Scheduled wp-cron job to run in 15 minutes. Job did not run and refreshed job status screen and this shows under “Next Run”
December 31, 1969 at 8:00 pm by WP-Cron
Go figure!?
Removed define statement from wp-config and attempted to run manually and i receive same error:
The HTTP response test get an error “connect() timed out!”Missing or not expected HTTP response headers:
Attempted to run job 2nd time and I recieve same error.
Any suggestions anyone?
Server Self Connect results in Settings Info is definitely timing out.
Hitting refresh on Settings/Info screen will sometimes report “Response Test OK”, while other times I receive “The HTTP response test get an error “connect() timed out!”Missing or not expected HTTP response headers:”.
I see my webhost has made some dns changes as the ip for my site has changed and the site may behind a proxy, not sure.
Bottom line, Backwpup works intermittently and appears to be related to server self connect getting a timely response or not.
Is there some way to configure a longer time out value for the server self connect test?