Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [BA Book Everything] How to allow users to add 25% advance paymentsHello,
You can create booking rule with option “Pay deposit or full amount (the customer will choose)” as shown in the documentation.
Best Regards,
Booking Algorithms teamForum: Plugins
In reply to: [BA Book Everything] Add name and surname to other partecipantHello,
You should activate the option “Add checkout fields for all guests” in required booking category in order to show name fields for all participants on the checkout.
Please, note, some theme authors override the functionality of our plugin, if so, you can also contact the theme author for further assistance.—
Best Regards,
Booking Algorithms teamForum: Plugins
In reply to: [BA Book Everything] Shortcode booking formHello,
Sure, please, use shortcode [babe-booking-form] on the product page.
Best Regards,
Booking Algorithms teamForum: Plugins
In reply to: [BA Book Everything] Search formHello,
You can use the search form builder to customize the search form of the BA Book Everything plugin.
Please, note, some theme authors override the functionality of our plugin, if so, you can also contact the theme author for further assistance.—
Best Regards,
Booking Algorithms teamForum: Plugins
In reply to: [BA Book Everything] object as home pageHello,
Sure, WordPress allows you to use any page as a home page as described in official WordPress documentation.
Best Regards,
Booking Algorithms teamForum: Plugins
In reply to: [BA Book Everything] print ordersHello,
The plugin does not have a special “print orders” function.
The add-on BABE Backoffice has PDF invoice feature, but you have to print out each invoice one at a time.
And it doesn’t have export orders option.
Therefore, it is difficult to recommend this solution for your request, sorry.—
Best Regards,
Booking Algorithms teamForum: Plugins
In reply to: [BA Book Everything] multi currency optionHello,
The currency switcher add-on is currently in the development.
We expect release in August.
You can also send us a request on our site so that we can notify you when the plugin is ready.—
Best Regards,
Booking Algorithms teamForum: Plugins
In reply to: [BA Book Everything] Show Tour Taxonomy ITEMS directly on pageHello,
You can use argument term_ids and specify term IDs in the shortcode to filter tours by taxonomy terms:
[all-items term_ids="1,2,3"]
Best Regards,
Booking Algorithms teamForum: Plugins
In reply to: [BA Book Everything] Booking Calendar not showing the discounted priceHello,
The discount applies to all prices if the current date is between the specified ones. It’s like a total sale for any item if the client make reservation in the specified dates.
To set special price only for July you should create new rate for the booking object whith appropriate “date from” and “date to” values.—
Best Regards,
Booking Algorithms teamForum: Plugins
In reply to: [BA Book Everything] add custom field in checkout fieldHello,
You need to place in the child theme functions.php the custom code like in this example (edit it as you need):
add_filter('babe_checkout_args', 'customtheme_babe_checkout_args', 10, 2); /** * Add checkout fields */ function customtheme_babe_checkout_args( $args_meta, $args ) { $args_meta['new_field'] = isset($args['meta']['new_field']) ? $args['meta']['new_field'] : ''; return $args_meta; } //////// add_filter('babe_checkout_field_label', 'customtheme_babe_checkout_field_label', 10, 2); /** * Add checkout field title */ function customtheme_babe_checkout_field_label( $field_title, $field_name ) { if ($field_name === 'new_field'){ $field_title = __('Field Title', 'textdomain'); } return $field_title; } //////// add_filter('babe_checkout_field_required', 'customtheme_babe_checkout_field_required', 10, 2); /** * Required tag for checkout field. Use it only if you need to make field required */ function customtheme_babe_checkout_field_required($required_tag, $field_name){ if ($field_name === 'new_field'){ $required_tag = 'required="required"'; } return $required_tag; } /////////////////// add_filter('babe_sanitize_checkout_vars', 'customtheme_sanitize_checkout_vars', 10, 2); /** * Add fields to sanitize checkout vars method */ function customtheme_sanitize_checkout_vars( $output, $arr ) { $output['new_field'] = isset($arr['new_field']) ? sanitize_text_field($arr['new_field']) : ''; return $output; } /////////////////////
Best Regards,
Booking Algorithms teamForum: Plugins
In reply to: [BA Book Everything] Combine CalendarsHello,
There is no way to implement such a booking scenario now, sorry.
The “Booking Category” used to setup same rules for several booking items (tours etc.)
Each booking object post has its own reservation calendar.
To implement AM and PM options in charter you can use standard “Tour” booking category in boat post and setup two available start times, say, 9-00 AM and 3-00 PM.
So, the clients will be able to book AM or PM tour. But for all tour they will need to book AM and then to book PM tour for the same date.—
Best Regards,
Booking Algorithms teamForum: Plugins
In reply to: [BA Book Everything] No Options to bookHello,
The booking form is a WordPress widget, you should add it on the site page in needed widget area.
Please, check the plugin documentation for details.—
Best Regards,
Booking Algorithms teamForum: Plugins
In reply to: [BA Book Everything] i Can′t setup booking objet categoryHello,
Thank you for reporting the issue!
The issue is fixed, please, update the BA Book Everything plugin to the latest version.
Best Regards,
Booking Algorithms teamForum: Plugins
In reply to: [BA Book Everything] Can’t change booking categoryHello,
This is a theme related issue, please, contact the theme authors for the help.
Also for the Triply theme you can try to use this code in your child theme:add_filter('booking_update_cateogries_object', 'triply_booking_update_cateogries_object', 10, 2); function triply_booking_update_cateogries_object($args_cat, $prefix) { $args_cat = array ( 'name' => __ ('Select category to setup other post fields', 'triply'), 'id' => $prefix.BABE_Post_types::$categories_tax, 'taxonomy' => BABE_Post_types::$categories_tax, // Enter Taxonomy Slug 'type' => 'taxonomy_select', 'show_option_none' => false, 'text' => array ( 'no_terms_text' => __ ('Sorry, no terms could be found.', 'triply') ) ); return $args_cat; }
Best Regards,
Booking Algorithms teamForum: Plugins
In reply to: [BA Book Everything] Translate BA Booking Everything PluginHello,
We recently added support for the WPML plugin, so you can use WPML for a multilingual site. Static texts can be translated with the included * .pot file using many tools like Loco translate plugin etc.
Best Regards,
Booking Algorithms team