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  • Thread Starter Bob


    Hi Jan,

    Thank you for that explanation, I was not aware of this.

    My reason for writing here is that fact the developer of the plugin is not responding via the channels they are offering. Just don’t know where else to go atm :/


    Thread Starter Bob


    Hi Benjamin,

    Thank you for the explanation and the info that clearing the cache is generally not really necessary. The solution you describe is not a really unexpected way to work, many “thumbers” approach it like this.

    Is there a difference (after clearing the cache as I unnecessarily did previously) in adding a ngg gallery to a private page and viewing it to populate the cache vs simply viewing it on the published page?

    I’m only using WordPress for 2, close to 3, years now and there is a lot to learn still on the innerworkings and details. My previous site was completely made by me, including simple cms etc. In time this became too time consuming to maintain, I needed more focus on the content. That’s why I moved to WordPress and the use of pre-made plugins.

    For my own site I had a continues scrolling grid gallery (no masonry or mosaic) of close to 500 images. I used fresco, phpThumb and my own php code to render the gallery page. This page was lightning fast from the very start (read: no thumbs created yet) and there was no noticeable delay also no CDN. Obviously this was completely custom made, no overhead as you have in generic plugin as ngg. When I look at other picture heavy social-sites, for instance DeviantArt (too pick one), my galleries there are as I prefer them, continues scrolling and now around 400 images and no delay or stutter or noticeable loading at all. When I take this and then see the performance of ngg… downtime of my server regenerating thumbs, stutter in the continues scroll and very noticeable loading and delays. Is this just my experience? Is my configuration off? Are there preferred settings for larger galleries (I have been experimenting)? Etc.

    @markyodo I’m hoping for an implementation soon as well!


    Thread Starter Bob


    Hi Benjamin,

    Thank you for your answer.

    In the mean time imagely support has answered as well and confirmed the lack of CDN support. Some googling from my end found CDN requests for NGG from at least a year ago and some more diving into the reasons why found this thread (some images from the ngg galleries are served from the CDN, the ones, I assume, that are not served in Json blocks). All in all this is not very hopeful for expecting CDN support anytime soon.

    You are free to examine how I use NGG (contact me privately please – here or [email protected]), however in the mean time I have been splitting up my galleries in smaller ones to get some performance. Sizes are now around 50 images, around 100 images and one bigger with around 200 images. This action was taken when the (what I suspect) ngg cache was re-created (I got some ok-performance after about 3h(!)).

    Currently I feel a bit reluctant to clear the ngg cache for fear of having down-time again, but if it can help improve ngg we can talk about this.


    @ospiotr Just updated, clean log again! Thank you!

    Same here, in my case there are many of them, a few per minute.

    Would be nice to have that fixed.

    Otherwise… Your plugin really helps!

    Thread Starter Bob


    Hi Gerroald,

    Soooo… I noticed the disabled “block button” during massive other issues with the site (the earlier cURL message and then some). The site is currently running smoother than ever… and… obviously… the block button becomes enabled when the necessary fields have been filled in…

    My apologies, nothing is wrong ??

    Thank you for your reply!

    Thread Starter Bob


    Hi Gerroald,

    Again thank you for your response.

    In the mean time my cURL error is solved and I rechecked two of my three sites in troubleshooting mode. Enabled only WordFence, but the button was still disabled.

    I can share my details, I see the WordFence diagnostics page can send a diagnostic report, that should contain most (all) of what you need. I used my email address and my forum name, but nothing arrived in my (spam) mailbox.

    To double check, I send a test email from that same diagnostic page to the same email address. That arrived instantly.

    Am I missing something that you might know?


    Thread Starter Bob


    This “When enabling the plugin, wordfence, a site failure occurred. Because of this the change was automatically reverted.” Is the exact message when I try to enable a plugin while in troubleshooting mode

    Thread Starter Bob


    Hi Gerroald,

    Thank you for your reply.

    I double checked the console and there is no error there.

    Via the site health plugin I found that I had a loopback problem. The specific error is

    cURL error 60: SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate

    This is something I’ve investigated and is now with my hosting company. It looks like something they need to fix. This problem arose because I tried to setup WordFence Central and it could not connect to my site. I’m moving towards multiple sites with WordPress (not a wordpress multi-site) and going for a licensed version of WordFence (really like it ??

    When I use the troubleshooting mode of the site health plugin to revert back to the default theme without plugins, I am unable to activate plugins (message is something like “an error prevented activating the plugin”). This is most likely because if the above cURL/loopback error.

    Some background on the disabled button. I’m using WordFence on this site for almost two years now and it has not caused and problem. “suddenly” (I do believe there was a recent update of Wordfence) this button was disabled (no extra plugins where installed in the last period). Since it always worked I don’t think my cURL/loopback issue is related to the disabled button. I’ve seem to have had this one for some time but with “simple” use it does not show it self.

    I have another WordPress site, on the same server, where I definitly did not change anything (I’m only keeping it up-to-date with the latests versions of WordPress and the plugins) and there the WordFence block button is also disabled.

    Final one, I just started a new WordPress site on the same server, installed WordFence and the block button is disabled. This is still a small site, I deactivated all plugins and used the twenty/twenty theme. Only had WordFence active. The block is disabled, no errors in the console.

    Does any of this ring a bell?
    Many thanx!

    Thread Starter Bob


    Update: all jobs (both) the made the cron send a mail with Undefined index: SERVER_NAME have run at least once. The mail is not send and the error_log shows no errors.

    Thread Starter Bob


    But… When I do run the “updraft_backup” job manually via the cron-manager I get the message “Event has been executed with errors” and the error_log gives me this:

    Warning mod_fcgid: read data timeout in 45 seconds, referer: https:/…/wp-admin/tools.php?page=advanced-cron-manager

    Now I’m thinking out loud… the “updraft_backup” runs longer than 45 seconds… and apparently the cron-manager runs the job synchronous… and times out… and tells me the job ran with errors while in truth the cron-manager needs to run the job asynchronously…

    I timed it (roughly) and after 45 second the cron-manager gives the message and the log shows the timeout.

    It all starts to make sense ?? thank you for the rubber ducking ??

    Thread Starter Bob


    Hi David,

    Thank you for your response.

    Aahhhh…the non-HTTP context makes sense!
    But, when running (in this case) the “updraft_backup” job manually (started from the cron-manager plugin), would it not run in a HTTP context then? Started by Plesk’s scheduled tasks there is no HTTP context indeed.

    I read through the forum post you send, most makes a lot of sense and pinpoints the problem. But not a workable solution for the long term (and probably need to reapply the “patch” with every new version of WP), would a simple solution like this (I have a clearer direction to search now) be a more future-Wordpress-version safe solution?

    Placing this in the wp_config.php:

    if(!isset($_SERVER[‘SERVER_NAME’] )) {
    $_SERVER[‘HTTP_HOST’] = $_SERVER[‘SERVER_NAME’] = ‘<mydomain>.com’;

    Just tried it and now need to wait for the specific jobs to be triggered by the scheduler (I can’t change the schedule time without hacking in the database, don’t want to do that, yet ?? )

    O M G … The increase in speed with @ospiotr’s plugin is huge! I have been suffering (yes, that’s how it feels) from bad performance (and crashes / offline) for some time and could not pinpoint it. Now, with a lot of time on my hand I started digging and found 500’s coming from “/wp-json/wc-analytics/…” in effect generating a whole flow of errors after it, resulting in my site going down (DB issues).

    Simply disabling something I never wanted in the first place (and was unaware of its presence removed my problems..

    Thread Starter Bob


    Hey Dave,

    Based on the referrer I get feedback as expected

    WordFence detects it.

    Don’t see this site in the error log (didn’t check the access log, too much scrolling :-))

    Thank you,

    Thread Starter Bob


    Hi Dave,
    Thank you for your answer, I will be adding the refers as well for the “Bad hosts”.

    Some of these redirects (pointing these “bad hosts” to the correct image) have been in place on the old (non-wordpress) version of the site but right now the images are scattered in different galleries (gallery/portfolio, gallery/series, gallery/<anytitle>), the .htaccess would become huge (I’m a “picture site”), so I decided to block these sites (their “illegally” hotlinking as it is anyway)

    Today one of the offending sites was back again. The site was already in WordFence blocking

    and this is the log

    This is before adding the referer block (will do so after this).

    This is back to my original question I think. How do I know that WordFence blocked this site? Judging from the log I would say it was not blocked?

    Thank you again!

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