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  • Thread Starter bob.passaro


    Thread Starter bob.passaro


    Hey! Victory on a Friday afternoon! That worked.

    Needed this:

    <?php query_posts(array('post__not_in' => array($featuredid))); ?>

    instead of this:

    <?php query_posts(array('post__not_in' => $featuredpost)); ?>

    Thanks vtxyzzy! Now I can feel better about heading off for happy hour ??

    Thread Starter bob.passaro


    oh, thanks.

    Don’t know why I didn’t find that earlier. I’ll play with it some more.

    Thread Starter bob.passaro


    Thanks. But I’m afraid, that’s not working either.

    On second though, I think I’m not using post__not_in properly.

    Anybody know a resource on using post__not_in?

    Thread Starter bob.passaro


    I’m thinking the problem here is the variable. I probably need at post ID??

    Thread Starter bob.passaro



    Thanks! That’s great.

    Just so I’m clear, I’m going to paste the get_template_part bit of code into showcase.php just after the all the slider stuff, and right above the // Our new query for the Recent Posts section comment, right?

    And assuming I have that bit of code you passed on, I’m not clear on this: When I add the post type using something like the following (from the codex) …

    add_action( 'init', 'create_post_type' );
    function create_post_type() {
    	register_post_type( 'acme_product',
    			'labels' => array(
    				'name' => __( 'Products' ),
    				'singular_name' => __( 'Product' )
    		'public' => true,
    		'has_archive' => true,

    … do I register the post type as ‘advert’ or give it the name ‘Adverts’ & ‘Advert’? That is: which is being referenced by the ‘advert’ in this line?

    $args = array('post_type' => 'advert', 'numberposts' => 1, 'post_status' => 'publish' );



    Thread Starter bob.passaro


    Thanks! I appreciate your time.

    Thread Starter bob.passaro


    Ah, thanks, sixhours. I see it. Looks like this in functions.php:

    function scrappy_print_styles() {
    	wp_register_style('googleFonts', '|Unna|Alegreya:400italic,700italic,400,700');
    	wp_enqueue_style( 'googleFonts');
    add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'scrappy_print_styles' );

    But now I’m curious why (it does seem to work fine in header.php, too) But is putting it in functions.php this way considered a best practice? If so, do you know the reason this is preferable?



    With sidebar advertising so widespread (not just adsense but even all those 125x125s) and responsive layout taking off, I’m guessing there are many smart people working on solutions to this problem. Anyone know of any good resources out there — blog posts with ideas or whatever??



    Looks like you could try adding an em of margin or so to .widget-title and .textwidget ?

    Or you could add some left & right padding to the sidebar div. Because it’s a responsive theme (everything changing width as the browser width changes) and because I don’t know what else you might put in the sidebar, I suppose there’s a risk of some complications/unintended consequences with this.



    Yup, alchymyth is right.

    But you can also create the image and then upload it via the panel at Appearance > Theme Options > General Settings … and right there at the top it gives you a field called “custom logo” where you can upload the image.



    I can’t remember all the details. I just remember it being sort of unusual how you got content on that landing page.

    You could also check in “General Settings,” but I don’t think that’s right ??

    I don’t have it in front of me at the moment (I think it’s still installed on “my other computer.” I could try to take a look a later and get back to you tomorrow.



    I’ve looked at that theme before. Isn’t it anywhere in the Theme > Options menu? As I recall, a lot of that stuff on the home page gets filled in in the Theme Options area, no?

    Thread Starter bob.passaro


    Ah, I think I get it. It’s just to keep a little background on the sides no matter how narrow your browser window? Since it’s a fluid/responsive layout.

    Any other reason for the padding?

    Thread Starter bob.passaro


    It works!

    What I ended up doing was going back to Godaddy and changing the nameservers back to the godaddy nameservers, just leaving the IP address in the A-record changed to the ip of my multisite network.

    Once I did that, after a few hours, the domain came back to the realm of the living and the A-record could be looked up — and it would give my host’s IP.

    Then I just had to go to my host and use cPanel to park onto my overarching multisite domain.

    I already had the mapping set up inside WP and it instantly started working. Made it the primary domain, and now that’s what shows up in the browser address bar.

    Cool. And really very simple, once I figured out what the hell I was doing.


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