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  • Thread Starter bob cavanaugh


    Okay, I see where you’re going with this. That’s not exactly what I was getting at though. Have you looked at what we currently have on the page I linked to in this thread? If possible, we would like to keep that layout, but we’re also in need of a solution that would make that page easier to update. Also, I’m a bit confused as to how you envision where the links to the Word, PDF, and audio versions go in this scenario.

    Thread Starter bob cavanaugh


    I would have to check with the rest of the team on how things are currently done. Right now, I’m on our Communications Committee, which is who manages the website. Newsline is a separate committee, and I’m really not sure what their process is. What they ultimately come out with is a Word document, a PDF file, an HTML document that apparently doesn’t contain images, and an audio version. With the likely exception of the audio, would the plugins you reference be able to keep our archive page up to date? That’s another issue we are having, nobody likes to edit the page where all of these issues are linked from, which is also the page I linked to in this thread.

    Thread Starter bob cavanaugh


    So, would I have to enter your code into my functions.php file or enter it into a code snippet plugin which will generate a shortcode?

    Thread Starter bob cavanaugh


    Sorry it’s taken me so long to get back to you on this. I was updating my site this evening and figured I’d try to get this working, but I don’t see where my category ID is. On the edit category screen I see name, slug, parent category, and description. Is the name the ID, or am I looking for something else?

    Thread Starter bob cavanaugh


    You are correct that this is a manually maintained list currently, that’s what I want to move away from. I think I explored the category block when I first set up that list, but how would I get it to do what I need to? The documentation you linked to does not tell me whether the block can be limited to displaying only the child categories of one parent, and if so how that can be accomplished. That’s why my friend who was helping me set up the site initially and I agreed to start out with a manual list for now and I would ask here when I got to where I am now in the development of my site. I did ask about this maybe a month ago, but the response I got then required a lot of PHP editing, which neither of us were comfortable with.

    Thread Starter bob cavanaugh


    I ran a WordPress site for about two and a half years and never had to reinstall, and I’m at about a year and a half on another site I run, so I would think the odds of having to reinstall are low. If that does ever happen though, it’s going to take some time to restore the layout I’ve got now, and I’m wondering if there might be an easier way to restore my site back to the way it is now in the unlikely event something happened. Then again, I suppose I would lose all my content in that situation too, right?

    Thread Starter bob cavanaugh


    I did just figure out how to add a child block to a parent block, but a couple weeks ago, I was editing my site and got the text I wanted above my form to be in the form block and couldn’t seem to move it out.

    Thread Starter bob cavanaugh


    Thanks James. Is there a way to save my blocks so that I can minimize the work I have to do should I need to reinstall WordPress?

    Thread Starter bob cavanaugh


    Thanks for the tip, I reset the template and then was able to add my custom sidebar again.

    Thread Starter bob cavanaugh


    First of all, I’m a bit confused. Since I’m using a block theme, do I even need a child theme if all my modifications have been done to blocks? That’s why I didn’t create a child theme originally, because all the modifications I’ve done have been using blocks rather than any custom PHP, and I’d like to keep it that way. If I do need a child theme, is there a way to easily copy the customizations I’ve made to Twenty Twenty Four blocks to a new child theme, or do I have to manually do the work over again?

    Thread Starter bob cavanaugh


    I don’t think the content block in the archives template was modified from its default behavior, the modifications were done to the sidebar.

    Thread Starter bob cavanaugh


    My host limits me to 128 MB, but that’s plenty for my needs. It does look like I’m going to have to adjust the max post size from 8 to 16 MB, but now that I know how to do that it should take me all of about 30 seconds. I’m really not sure what I did as when I reverted everything to defaults the max upload size stayed the same, which allowed me to upload what I needed to.

    Thread Starter bob cavanaugh


    I’m not sure what I did, but it looks like I inadvertently changed something else when I went into my C-Panel to increase my file size upload limit last night. The site health check identified this as a critical issue, and when I reset my configuration to its default settings, things worked again.

    Thread Starter bob cavanaugh


    I have no idea if this actually captures the error as it seems to flash by pretty quickly, but here’s what I was able to capture.

    Thread Starter bob cavanaugh


    That’s what I want to do, only list the child categories of one parent. Currently, the categories list is showing all parents and children, which is not what I want.

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