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  • I came across this problem last night and here is how I solved it. My client wanted it so if you clicked on a parent in the menu you would be linked to the first child. Not in this example the menu only shows parents:

    function gl_list_pages() {
    	$pages = wp_list_pages('echo=0&sort_column=menu_order&depth=1&title_li=');
    	$pages = explode("</li>", $pages);
    	$children = get_pages('sort_column=menu_order');
    	$childrenParent = array();
    	foreach ($children as $child){
                    //we're going to loop through all of the pages and get rid of any that aren't children.
    		if ($child->post_parent == 0) continue;
    		$childrenParent[$child->post_parent] = $child;
    	$count = 0;
    	foreach($pages as $page) {
    		foreach ($childrenParent as $child){
                            //now we're going to find the link to the parent and replace it with a link to the first child
    			if (strstr($page,'page-item-'.$child->post_parent)){
    					$newurl = 'href="'.get_permalink($child->ID).'"';
    					$page = preg_replace('/href="(.*)\/"/',$newurl,$page);
    		$pages[$count] = $page;
    	$pages = implode('</li>',$pages);
    	echo $pages;

    I’m sure someone with a better grasp of php could make this code have a few less loops in it, but this worked for my situation.

    I’m wondering the same thing…

    I’m looking for the same thing. If anyone knows an answer it would be super helpful!

    Simplest way I know is to go here: and upload your image. Then set your email address to the same email address you used for creating your gravatar and all should be well.



    I struggled with this same thing. Luckily, I was just able to solve it since it was hard to find solutions online. This post helped me immensely…

    What I did was use his breadcrumb functions and put them in my functions.php

    function get_parent_id ( $child = 0 ) {
            global $wpdb;
            // Make sure there is a child ID to process
            if ( $child > 0 ) {
                    $result = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT post_parent FROM $wpdb->posts WHERE ID = $child");
            } else {
                    // ... or set a zero result.
                    $result = 0;
            return $result;
    function get_ancestor_ids ( $child = 0, $inclusive=true, $topdown=true ) {
            if ( $child && $inclusive ) $ancestors[] = $child;
            while ($parent = get_parent_id ( $child ) ) {
                    $ancestors[] = $parent;
                    $child = $parent;
            //      If there are ancestors, test for resorting, and apply
            if ($ancestors && $topdown) krsort($ancestors);
            if ( !$ancestors ) $ancestors[] = 0;
            return $ancestors;

    Then in my header I checked to see if the pages top-most ancestor matched my pages ID. So first I added this to header.php:

    $ancestors = get_ancestor_ids($post->ID, false);//call to function in functions.php
    $grandparent = $ancestors[1]; // find the grandparent

    Then on my link to a page my code would look like this:
    <?php if ( is_page('about') || $grandparent == '2' || $post->post_parent == '2' ) { echo " class=\"active\""; } ?>

    I imagine you don’t need to also have the $post->post_parent in there since the grandparent would just be the parent when you’re only one level deep…

    Hope this helps!

    Thanks @mtg169 for sharing. I was able to use role manager and level2category with Flutter to restrict what users could create certain content types. I’m so excited, cause I’ve been trying to get this set up for the last three days.

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