Alejandro Benavente
Forum Replies Created
Thanks a lot for the feedback, Dave.
I’ll keep an eye on the thread to check on this.Hi,
It does indeed. Everything seems to be working now as expected.Thanks a lot for the fast response!
Forum: Hacks
In reply to: Override plugin widget classYou are absolutely right. Our plugin was alphabetically below the one we tried to override; placing it above got our class definition loaded before the other one.
Good tip on the undocumented way to control plugin load order, nice to know; let’s hope some proper way to manage this gets developed in the future, it would be really helpful.
Many, many thanks, bcworkz.Forum: Hacks
In reply to: Override plugin widget classThanks for the help, bcwokz.
We actually tried that, but strangely enough it didn’t work; we got a ‘Cannot redeclare class’ error. Actually, this simple check
function thewidget_override() { if ( class_exists('thewidget') ) { /* Returns TRUE */ }; } add_action('widgets_init', 'thewidget_override', 5);
Tells us that at widgets_init priority 5 the class is already defined. We checked it is declared once, by that plugin function only, because hard removing the plugin function turns our check to false.
We run the same check at plugins_loaded (which is even earlier), and it also checks true for the class being already defined. We cannot go any earlier because the previous hook is muplugins_loaded, at which point we cannot extend WP_Widget yet.We are really buffled by this one. Any clue?
Thanks once again.Ok, I think we have tracked down this issue for the pages not being cached.
All our pages save the homepage are failing the isCachable() condition as defined in wfCache.php:52.
Specifically, our pages fail the test in wfCache.php:91 regarding query strings. As per code comments wordfence will refuse to cache any page with a query string in the url (with some exceptions related to DDoS protection).
Apparently all our urls have a query string that fail this test; i.e. in the standard ‘Hello world’ post, $_SERVER[‘QUERY_STRING’] is defined as ‘q=/hello-world/&’. This is rewritten before display to ‘[domain]/hello-world’ following our permalink settings, but the test is false and the page is not cleared for caching.We hope this info may help the plugin authors to fix this issue. We’ll be happy to do any more testing that may help out with this.
Hi all.
We’re running on the same issue: only homepage is being cached on our site. Main difference is we are running a nginx server, so it cannot be htaccess related (on our setup at least).
We have a score of sites on this server, all with different plugins and contents, all exhibit the same issue.
We are also running a testing site (clean WP install, no plugins, twentyfifteen theme, just a handful of posts) on the same server, and the problem persists.We’ll dig a little bit further into the issue and report back on our findings (if any).
Ok, we’ve been able to get Falcon working in our setup with some modifications to the sugested configurations:
- We have included the custom nginx code on a per server block basis (trying to implement it for the overall nginx.conf was not working for us).
- We have modified the code by removing the “/site/” component in urls, which was not used in our routes (both on the file exists check and the rewrite path)
- We disabled the gzip option by commenting out the “set $wordfenceEncoding _gzip” out. It was giving us problems and can live without it.
So, with all this tweaks our sites are caching successfully and serving the cached page to qualifying visitors.
It’s not fully working yet, because only the homepage is being cached. Some other users have experienced this in the past, but we haven’t found any solution yet. Anyway, this seems to be another problem, related to the plugin itself rather than the nginx config, so we’ll post about it on its own thread.Brian, thanks for the swift response.
All our sites are regular http.
Alas, we cannot try out the procedure in the link you suggest; it implies replacing the whole nginx.config file with a new one containing the WF code, but we cannot do that as our nginx.config has some custom code, and some client sites are running on this server which we cannot disable for experimentation.If you have any other suggestion it would be appreciated. We’ll keep on researching the issue and post back on our findings.
Thanks again.Well, in my admin I could access any of the tabs; the issue is that I could not see the link on the left column menu. But the page is still there, so you should be able to access it via yourdomain/wp-admin/themes.php
If you cannot see it this way then I’d say you are having another issue entirely.
I managed to locate my particular issue, but it was so specific to my blog that I highly doubt it will help anyone else with this problem.
For the record, I tracked it down to a testing function I had in my functions.php. This should not have been live, but for some reason when I upgraded the plugin it was called (we might have used a too common name).I’d suggest you try switching themes to default to bypass any rogue functions from your theme that might be in conflict with calendar; if this works, you should be able to track the function down to solve it.
Good luck.Reistalled core wordpress file structure, and the problem persisted.
Wiped database, and the problem dissapeared. I’ve been trying to recreate the issue again without success.I’d recommend a safe DB backup before installation of this plugin (which should be standard procedure anyway), just in case.
I feel nontheless it’s quite disturbing I’ve had no answer to this issue from the plugin developer, either here or their main support forum.
Getting back to the original question, you may try creating your new Products post type, then get rid of the default Posts post type by hiding it from the backend with the Adminimize plugin. this helps.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: Promotion Slider] CategoriesSince I cound’t figure this one out, I’m using a workaround.
I’ll ditch the custom post type and post my promotions as normal posts, then filter them through categories.Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: get_the_excerpt missing !more tagNot really resolved, but used a workaround: don’t use the excerpt but a custom field instead.
Still wondering what’s not working, though.I don’t know about the plugin, but it seems that wp is filtering that content with the wpautop filter (which, among other things, puts p tags at the beginning and end).
Search the codex or forums for wpautop, many people have asked already how to get rid of the p tags.