Forum Replies Created
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Using my blog’s Search gives me a 404 screen but I took the Search code out because using the search form just produces a 404 for users so going to the blog is of no use, I’m asking a DB question here.
Last night I tried the default theme 1-line php search statement but no luck there either.
no, if I’m already logged in, tweaking my theme or whatever, if somebody comments and I want to respond, I am presented with the same comment login form as they are and just assumed I needed to login to add a comment to anser them… are you saying I can just comment and hit enter? If so, that didn’t even occur to me and will try it now….
I feel so stupid lol! nah, just didn’t know
fyi: the screen did go white (WSOD) after hitting submit which used to make me think I just lost all my data, after starting over 3x, I learned the hard way that all I had to do was go BACK one in the browser… I hit submit again and got the WSOD again but this time there was a msg saying that it was a dup comment, cool
thx Devil, and I just talked to Lord a minute ago on digg, oh boy!
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Fully integrated wordpress into my pre-existing site. Wasn’t easy.I want one!
Man that’s nice work. I felt a little awkward looking for the next post and don’t grasp the difference between latest post and latest entry on the front page but I really think you got something there. Nice.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: I want post headings to be a different color than other linksHi again. Actually, I’m not talking about changing the link color once it is visited (to show differently than if it is not visited), I’m talking about the color of the Post titles being different than any other links I may include in the story.
Since they are both links, they both fall under my current:
a:link {
}(and yes, I do have a hover involved too but that doesn’t matter for what I am trying to do here)
but I want the post titles to be overriden with this color to show differently than the other links on the page:
h3 {
font:bold italic 100% Verdana,Sans-serif;
text-align: center;
}Any ideas? TIA
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How can I display my < ?php phpinfo();?>stupid school network, bump
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How can I display my < ?php phpinfo();?>Thx Viper, looks like I left a space in by accident.
I appreciate ya’lls help.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How can I display my < ?php phpinfo();?>It looks like I may have forgot to delete that space up front after the first <
I’ll check when I get back home.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How can I display my < ?php phpinfo();?>Yeap, I use Filezilla too.
Please see second sentence, first comment.
I have it on the server as a php file now:
Now what?
Off to school.
Oh yeah, I have RWX for Owner (me).
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How can I display my < ?php phpinfo();?>Yes, I want to be able to see the info it generates. Just to be clear, I see it fine if I put in index.php but I want a link to it.
So, do I put it in a .php file, an html file (coded only as shown, or as a link) or some other way?
I think you are saying plain text, but into a php and then upload that to the server and then try to open it via the browser? Because that’s what I did and it just displays the code, so I guess you mean something else which is why I came to the source lol.
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Please comment my siteYea, I was joking.
I just got it, thx. I was referring to the link at the very bottom, it just went back to the top of your page, hence the reason I said what I said (but I just tried again with my NoScript accepting from your site and clicked on the correct link this time), thx again.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: I want post headings to be a different color than other linksI’ll give it a shot, thx. I gotta go eat now though. I won’t forget to close this if it works but it probably won’t be until tomorrow. Thx again.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: I want post headings to be a different color than other linksthe theme is called DarkNight
here’s a link:
I don’t think that is any different than what I have already fo rthe post title but since it is a link too, it stays the same color as all the other links.
I want the title to be different. I tried !important to override the settings but it still didn’t work.
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Please comment my siteand I just grabbed a new theme this morning, I wish i saw yours first! (but then again, I clicked on your name at the bottom hoping to get it, but I see it isn’t “for sale”)
Nice and wide, I love it.
Is it going to be available to us also? ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: I just installed some JS and now my screen is whiteYea, I meant DB backup, my script does a nightly for my whole box so that’s never a problem, it’s the db stuff that gets me everytime (did I say 6 times since early Dec?). Skippy says on that site several times to go elsewhere for now for restores, guess I gotta learn this phpAdmin stuff after all for now.
Well, I think that’s that, let me know if you need a campaign manager.
(I didn’t get me old theme back (and really don’t understand why the db cares what db I use, guess it does sound like I left some code in there!) but you’ve been a big help and I really appreciate it. Peace & G/L.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: I just installed some JS and now my screen is whitecache folder gone
old theme = white screen
Classic = blog looks good (as good as Classic goes anyway)Any other tricks? That one was hopeful but no joy.
I guess I could just go get another theme (God, all those hours! but it was good practice lol) but I really would like to know about the restore process; do any of those screenshot apps offer it that you know of (otherwise, it is really just false security as far as I’m concerned)? TIA