Forum Replies Created
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Is WordPress the problem or something else?Its something to do with the DNS settings, more info here: varies from registrar to registrar, but you’ll need to ask your registrar how to do it.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Is there a way to make a disclaimer or TOS page?Oh, many thanks Moshu and Adam Brown, I get it!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Is there a way to make a disclaimer or TOS page?Thanks Adam, I’ll also check that out ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Is there a way to make a disclaimer or TOS page?Never mind, it is there – in the widget there is an “exclude” part, what should I put in there, can someone give an example?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Is there a way to make a disclaimer or TOS page?Moshu, thanks. In this case now with WP 2.2 and 2.3, it is all widgetized, so the pages section is actually a widget I placed in the widgets placement area.
So I can’t locate the WP file to edit the pages, where there is a wp_list_pages() tag…would you or anyone know where?
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Any experts here who run WordPress on localhost?I think XAMPP doesnt need a mod_rewrite does it? I found it worked out of the box, meaning I could change the permalinks to default, date based, or custom permalinks…
It will tell me my settings have been saved…etc
But the only permalink that the links will work with once I have transported my blog to my localhost is the default permalink structure.
In WordPress options, it already shows the blog url as https://localhost/myfoldername
So only “default” or the “ugly” permalink stucture works. As for the other types.. (nope).
Something to do with the XAMPP settings and mod_rewrite I think…But the XAMPP looks ok and everything in the WordPress admin looks ok!
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Any experts here who run WordPress on localhost?The two values are just exactly as I have changed them (when I was changing the database values with text editor) using search and replace.
It shows https://localhost/myfoldername for both blog url and site url (inside the WP-Options).
So, it should have worked… Mousing over all the recent post links in the sidebar will show the url as https://localhost/myfoldername/category/postname
but when I click to test…I get 404 error page.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Any experts here who run WordPress on localhost?Have already managed to get my blog working, but there’s a problem, none of the links in the sidebar like archive/recent posts work.
All I did was change all instances of my old blog url in the database from to https://localhost/myfoldername
in a text editor…
and it works…only for the front or root page. All the archives and recent posts that now are supposed to run with the new path https://localhost/myfoldername/category/postname/…etc
doesnt seem to work on my blog replica!
Basically, anything beyond…https://localhost/myfoldername/
does not work.
I have enabled /%categories%/%postname%/ in the permalinks for the test blog, and there was no problem with that. Am using XAMPP.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: Is it possible to downgrade WordPress installed with Fantastico?Thanks Micheal, I didnt know that I needed a database. Since mine is a fresh install, guess it’s not possible then..
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Just need confirmation, is this the default behaviour of WP 2.2Drats, its not good.
I have downloaded the WordPress 2.2 zip file from here and then uploaded them to my server but the problem still remains.
I overwrote all files except for the fantastico related files and the wp-config files and of course the database.
But I still cannot delete the posts, and the dashboard is still showing the front end the first time I log in.
Anyone knows why these problems are occuring?… :((
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Just need confirmation, is this the default behaviour of WP 2.2Thanks whooami, I will try what you said.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Just need confirmation, is this the default behaviour of WP 2.2I cannot edit or delete the first post – “the Hello World” post.
Noope! Not normal. Can you create, edit, and delete other posts?
I find the Hello World post cant be deleted but not only that, a test post I just made also cannot be deleted. And to get to the dashboard area, I need to log in and click on the Admin login link in the front page.
Can someone clarify if these are the main problems with WP 2.2?
Thanks much.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Just need confirmation, is this the default behaviour of WP 2.2Thanks.
I just installed WP 2.2 for the first time using fantastico on a new domain.
If those are not normal problems, should I delete and reinstall again or is this fantastico’s problem?
Thanks for prompt reply!
I havent tried to post a test post, but I knew I could edit the first post on previous WP versions…
And for the dashboard not appearing, is there a solution for it currently?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How to manually delete a post?Thanks, Micheal…apparently the problem was caused by inadequate memory. I asked my host to increase memory and now its ok.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: My database works except the feed…what to do?Sorry, but I didnt know, I stopped it to edit, but didnt know it was captured