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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Simple Calendar - Google Calendar Plugin] fatal error on version 3.2.2i have the same issue, had to deactivate the pro plugin to prevent the site crashing with fatal error. Is there any update to this please ?
The error appears to be when Load Entities on page load is activated. I de-activated this and the error is no longer there – howver I would suggest this potential problem needs a look at.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Caxton - Create Pro page layouts in Gutenberg] Update for wordpress 6.xWhen I have it installed on WP version 6.1.1 I get Warning: this plugin has not been tested with your current version of WordPress.
Apologies – I still get the untested error – but now when I go into edit a page it seems to work – perhaps was a cahching issue previously.
Sorry about thatHi – I have the same issue – I need to do a quiz, however the results in the user email which come back are all red with a x in front… is there a solution yet to show correct answers as green and incorrect as red? I could do with this asap. Many thanks
it’s ok – I figured it out
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] Any chance to use WooCommerce Mobile App without Jetpack?Anyone found a solution where woocommerce products can be added via a mobile, with out jetpack?
Sorry – not sure if you mis-understood – I didn’t mean for customisation – I meant as a product improvement – for all.
CheersHi – Thank you for this. Is there any way I could expedite this and pay for the development asap?
Thank you
I have the paid version – but was advised to upgrade to 3.25 to fix a bug – which was only available on free version.
I have set it as only allowed 1 customer per session – which is correct – and no-one else can book in the time slot I allocated in Google Calendar and synchronised with Salon Booking. This is working fine.
However, on the next day in Google Calendar I have a meeting booked all day – marked as busy in GCalendar and nothing to do with the Salon Booking, BUT on the website, a customer can still book an appointment this day – even though my Google Calendar is Busy. So, the only way I can prevent this is to go into Salon Booking and add a holiday rule for this day. Ideally, this should just generate a holiday rule in the Cron job, for the day / time booked in Google Calendar – to prevent people booking the date / time slot. Does this make sense?Hi – as I explained – I have successfully added a salon booking event from Google Calendar, following the rules outlined, however it needs to be able to prevent anyone booking an appointment if a day / time is booked out in Google Calendar. Does that make sense?
I have created an event, in the same format as you described in the video tutorial, in Google Calendar. I have ran the Cron Job, and it has imported into the Salon Booking calendar, however it creates errors when it comes across events in Google Calendar that aren’t in the format prescribed. The errors look like:
Start processing event ‘387u08t50qc31ej5hrfenb0ph8_20181025’ with title ‘temp block’
ERROR: Event start time is null
End processing event ‘387u08t50qc31ej5hrfenb0ph8_20181025’However – for this system to be of any use, it needs to block out on the Salon Booking System the dates and times when other events are in the calendar – otherwise, for example you may book an all day conference in Google Calendar, but someone is able to still book an appointment slot on that day, through the salon booking system. Ideally this day should be blocked out as unavailable in the Salon Booking System.
Is this functionaility available – am I missing something?
Hi – Ive sent your a private email as it contains sensitive information regarding the issues I am having. I have followed your instructions – but still isn’t working.
Claire.Please can you respond to my request for this.