Blaze Miskulin
Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Live Press support for WP 2.0?The developer’s site hasn’t been updated since October, and there’s no obvious contact information. That’s why I posted my question here.
I’ve tried the crossposter plugin, but didn’t like it. It lacks the “fullness” of Live+Press. It also put in what amounts to an advertisement for the developer. While I could go in and hack the code to remove that, I rather resent the fact that I have to.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Show object in last post only.Where would that code go?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Insidious new comment spamI just went back and checked, and am now washing the egg off my face. ??
The original post was under the admin login (level 10). I honestly thought I’d never used that to post anything, as I had created my level 9 user right away and had (so I thought) always used it to post with.
Thanks for pointing that out. I never would have thought to see if I’d used a different login.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Insidious new comment spamI can edit and delete every other comment that has come through–including an almost identical spam comment sent at the same time. I’ve never been prohibited from editing or deleting a comment before. That’s why this is so strange.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: start_of_week ?Heh heh. I knew I was missing something obvious. ??
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: New Theme: CorkboardThank you. ??
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: New Theme: CorkboardOooh! That one has each menu section and each post as a separate paper. I wanted to do that, but couldn’t figure out how (not that I was exactly looking really hard). My guess is that is has something to do with the infamous “Loop”.
Maybe I’ll get bored next weekend, too, and figure out how to do that.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Sidebar problems and headachesThere are a couple ways to do it via css (and I’m not sure which would be best for you). The way I tend to solve this is to use absolute positioning for the section to be worked on, and define the height by distance from the top and bottom. So, it would go something like this:
top: 10px;
bottom: 10px;
(Including, of course, all the other information you need/want to affect the sidebar.) This will cause the box to stretch so that it’s always 10 pixels from the top and bottom of the area it’s in. There are some problems inherent in this solution, such as how it reacts to different sized windows, but it works fairly well for most situations that I’ve found.
There’s also the “height: 100%” option, but I seem to recall that has some odd problems, as well.
Or, if you’re using a fixed-width layout (which it appears you are), you can cheat, and make the backround of the main area match the the background of the sidebar and do a “repeat-y” so that when your sidebar ends, the background shows through and makes it look like the sidebar continues. I know, not exactly the most elegant of solutions, but it *is* a solution. ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Font-rendering question.Fixed!
I posted this question in another forum, and a friend happened to be really bored this morning and decided to dig through the code. ??
The culprit is the “functions-formatting.php” file:
the em-dash:
$curl = str_replace('--', '& # 8211 ;', $curl);
the elipsis (another punctuation that I tend to abuse)
$curl = str_replace('...', '& # 8230 ;', $curl);
I deleted those two lines, and it’s the way I want it now.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Font-rendering question.Sleep: I’m aware of the difference. However, a keyboard doesn’t have an en-dash or em-dash, it only has a hyphen, and others may not know what they are.
The double-dash is an accepted alternative for the em-dash, and in virtually all common usage, the hyphen is used in place of the en-dash. And the hyphens in my posts actually look like an en-dash (longer than a hyphen).
My dilema is that something is changing my hyphens into something else. I want it to stop. ??
xmarcos: I don’t have either of those plug-ins activated. I don’t have any plug-ins active, actually. I also tried turning off the emoticons (just on a whim) and that didn’t affect it, either.