Forum Replies Created
Not sure, our people haven’t tackled it yet and we’re just living with no search and anticipating the next release that might have a fix. It’s quite a lot to do in both areas, so they’re not looking forward to it. I wish there were an actual migration, but there’s none.
It’s more deprecation than discontinuation, but they can’t be assuming such a large user base is on HFB or they never would have pushed the fix they did two days ago.
We have Pro, and it’s not fixed there (it would be weird if it was, since it should be unrelated, this not being a Pro feature).
Astra Dashboard
Settings (top of the screen)
On that page you should see what I show above.
That solution would be one way of doing it because the search button doesn’t exist in HFB in the first place. If it doesn’t exist, it can’t be a problem. You have to add the button as described here (the post also links to some HFB docs).
I think the doc is a bit outdated now since it doesn’t mention the toggle for HFB in Astra’s Options:
In any case, the header (and footer) disappear once you toggle it on, requiring you to build them out from scratch, which is not a great “solution” to a bug.
BTW, we shouldn’t be under any illusion that the “old” header footer builder is now persona non grata, because it received a fix all of two days ago:
“Submenu border width of old header footer builder causing site crashing issue.”
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Astra] Search button not workingIs using HFB the only way now or will this be resolved at some point (or is there some trick to get it to work again)? It feels more like a bug. Going to HFB is a bit of work, which we can do if it’s truly dead in the water otherwise.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Super Page Cache] PHP Warning: Undefined array keyYes, it looks like it worked. Thanks.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Super Page Cache] PHP Warning: Undefined array keyNo, because I wasn’t sure that it was actually the same issue given that one says “HTTP_HOST” and the warning points to a different .php file. But I can try it if you think that it’s really the same issue. Thanks.
This continues with 1.6.16, so the adding of PHP 8.1 compatibility is perhaps incomplete or it has little or nothing to do with PHP 8.1 in the first place.
All information that I know on this subject says yes, and that’s what I did this time. When this has happened in versions past I did the same (after checking that the files are actually not in the zip any longer).
It’s a puzzler. I don’t get it at all, since the list includes such things as files which no longer exist and ones that haven’t been touched (at least according to date) in years.
Yes, I know (that’s the link mentioned earlier but for 6.3), but the matter is not what’s been revised but rather removed. The revised list doesn’t help with that, but the download file does, since it’s easy to see what’s not there.
The word “revised” in that list above is very misleading, since the way to find out if something is actually in a version of WordPress or not is to simply download the zip file and look in it:
This problem recurs with every WordPress upgrade, it seems. The most recent instance is with 6.3 and these files. They are not in the zip, you’ll notice, so Wordfence is correct.
Old WordPress core file not removed during update: wp-includes/images/wlw/wp-comments.png * Old WordPress core file not removed during update: wp-includes/images/wlw/wp-icon.png * Old WordPress core file not removed during update: wp-includes/images/wlw/wp-watermark.png * Old WordPress core file not removed during update: wp-includes/random_compat/byte_safe_strings.php * Old WordPress core file not removed during update: wp-includes/random_compat/cast_to_int.php * Old WordPress core file not removed during update: wp-includes/random_compat/error_polyfill.php * Old WordPress core file not removed during update: wp-includes/random_compat/random.php * Old WordPress core file not removed during update: wp-includes/random_compat/random_bytes_com_dotnet.php * Old WordPress core file not removed during update: wp-includes/random_compat/random_bytes_dev_urandom.php * Old WordPress core file not removed during update: wp-includes/random_compat/random_bytes_libsodium.php * Old WordPress core file not removed during update: wp-includes/random_compat/random_bytes_libsodium_legacy.php * Old WordPress core file not removed during update: wp-includes/random_compat/random_bytes_mcrypt.php * Old WordPress core file not removed during update: wp-includes/random_compat/random_int.php * Old WordPress core file not removed during update: wp-includes/wlwmanifest.xml
Yes, they did respond, but the curious thing is that they said the plugin isn’t compatible with PHP 8.1. That’s weird for a couple reasons. First being that if Elementor is, why isn’t this related plugin?
But more to the point, you were trying an old version of 8.1 and didn’t reproduce the problem. Old, but still 8.1, so it doesn’t add up. Unfortunately, I don’t think you tried a current version of 8.1. If you still can’t reproduce then, that would strongly suggest that support was wrong and this is something else. But I don’t think you tried it so we’ll never know.
Yes, we installed 1.6.15 when it came out, so last Thursday, and since then we’ve seen recurrence on Saturday and Sunday. which is interesting because of that being a weekend. Whatever is doing this, that must mean it’s a result of something automated, at least sometimes, since no one works on the site on weekends. Not that it’s only happened on the weekend before now, it happens at all sorts of times, but maybe that it did this time reveals something. It at least reduces the chance that any kind of user action causes it (that can’t be the only way to cause it, at least).
That dates back to last October, which almost certainly predates this problem (unless time is flying faster than I thought), so it’s a definite possibility that it only cropped up with more recent versions. That’s the best lead right now, since I haven’t the slightest idea otherwise how to go about replicating the problem.
Glad to have maybe played a small role in encouraging this to be fixed after all this time, which it seems to have been as of 7.10.0.
BTW. per another thread, in case anyone is wondering, logs should go here, which I only learned today via another thread: wftest @ wordfence . com