Greetings Andrew,
Thanks for the programming advice and speedy turnaround time on my last support request.
I have now been doing rather extensive testing with the plugin with excellent results. However, I’ve run into another issue regarding the fallback_behavior once the video stream ends in that the iFrame window stays open on the page. I expected (incorrectly?) that the browser would recheck for the stream, and finding none, the iFrame would clear. That does not happen.
In checking wp-youtube-live.js, I see that there is no code to change the state of the now dead stream back to the original pre live stream state.
Here’s my page and code:
Live Stream page
[youtube_live auto_refresh=”true” autoplay=”true” js_only=
“true” fallback_behavior=”no_message”]
This works excellently (other than a large time lag anywhere from 90 to 300 seconds.)
Once the live video finishes. The iFrame stays on the page and does not refresh/revert to the original state.
Can you suggest code to make the iFrame close and return to the original page as seen at the above link?
Thank you!