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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [DeMomentSomTres Prestashop Integration] How to use this plug-in?Yes, makes little sense to create such a needed plugin but, not even give an example how to implement. I do see the instructions in the readme.txt in the plugin directory but, a bit lost.
Should it look like this?:
This isn’t working for me in any case.
Thanks much!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Post Content Shortcodes] Updated to and shortcode no longer workingHi there Greg – cool plugin and much appreciated.
This is more an FYI if it helps.
I’m running WP v3.5.2 (until I can fix an unrelated theme conflict and update to v3.6.1) and just updated Post-Content Shortcodes to v0.3.4.1 and they quit appearing on my pages.
I’m using the [post-content id=1234] shortcode in pages vs. hardcoding them in page code.
I see people suggest to revert to earlier versions which I found on the developers tab in the WP-Plugins page for your plugin. I reverted to v3.3 and they’re working great again.
Thanks much.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contact Form DB] Create new record for each selection in a submitted form?Does this sound outside of the capabilities of this script? If anyone could shed any light that would be great.
I’m essentially trying to create (for example) a unique record for each of the multiple checkboxes the user selects and where all three have two other fields that are common.
I’m taking it this would have to be a capability of either the Contact Form 7 plugin or a custom script that parses out the data before it is archived in Contact Form DB.
Thanks much!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contact Form 7] Create unique records from single CF7 form submissionDoes this sound outside of the capabilities of this script? If anyone could shed any light that would be great.
I’m essentially trying to create (for example) a unique record for each of the multiple checkboxes the user selects and where all three have two other fields that are common.
I’m taking it this would have to be a capability of either this plugin or between this and the Contact Form DB one.
Thanks much!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contact Form DB] CFDB with Google Spreadsheet = error 500Ok, got this working. My issue was that I erased the “optional search” words but, left the parentheses. In any case I simply copies and pasted this from the code I put in with the script editor and everything instantly populated.
=CF7ToDBData(“”, “formName”, “optional search”, “WPadminLogin”, “WPadminPassword”)
Thanks much.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Contact Form DB] CFDB with Google Spreadsheet = error 500Hi Azghanvi. I tried this but, am still getting an error message that reads:
“error: Request failed for returned code 500. Server response:
You do not have sufficient permissions to access this data.
(line 66, file “Code”)”Also, in your #2 in the I think there was a missing } bracket inbetween the lines and should be:
url += ‘%26’+encodeURI(“secret=redacted”);
return UrlFetchApp.fetch(Also, my code in #2 started like this (which includes the search element):
url += ‘%26search%3D’ + encodeURI(search);
return UrlFetchApp.fetch(So, I effectively replaced the first url line with yours.
If you can lend any help that would be great. Bottom line is I’m still getting the above error message.
Wow. The help via these forums is stunningly FLAT.
I was hoping to get help from the greater community and tried to post a more succinct message that wouldn’t seem so intimidating (i.e. the dozen+ things I’ve tried to remedy this issue which is still persisting. The WP gods said no and deleted that one.
Suffice to say I have 20 websites that are inoperable right now from an administrative perspective. I have spent over two days researching this and am pleading for help.
BTW, I have 20 WP sites disabled now. Really depressing and my clients are beyond irked right now. Thanks for any help.
Hey BeautyPirate,
I’m using PHP 5.3.3
I just can’t figure why every single site is having this issue. All that happens is I add my username and password and it appears the page isn’t reloading – the data just disappears. I checked my error logs and activity logs as well and no obvious clues there either.
I’m a bit desperate here. Found out one issue is I was using root to create everything as that’s the login/pass information my provider gave. Now have a proper admin account in Plesk.
What’s odd is for every domain on my server I cannot login to the WP admin using wp-admin or wp-login.php. This leads me to think it is a server issue no? But, I have no idea of where to look to resolve this. Base_dir? Php.ini? and a million other things.
I find a lot of people describing the problem of a disappearing login/password but, not finding any meat as to the source.
Eight hours later and I’ve not left my seat trying to resolve this.
Other things tried:
Full reinstall again (in different directories too)
Added this to wp-config near top under <?php
@define(‘ADMIN_COOKIE_PATH’, ‘/’);
Tried adding these to the theme functions.php on top and/or in the wp-config file at bottom (with no extra breaks or spaces)define(‘WP_HOME’,’’);
(note: I added the www. in both as well as in the siteurl field in the database as another attempt)After fresh installs I manually changed permissions via commandline:
for directories
find /var/www/vhosts/ -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;
for files
find /var/www/vhosts/ -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;I chown’d my files to be sure they were all using the right admin:group name with:
open putty, cd to /var/www/vhosts/
chown -R adminName:groupName /var/www/vhosts/ no progress.
I also dumped browser cache’s, disabled all plugins and .htaccess file many times. Tried on other computers and even my cell phone. All give same results so it must be server related.
Any help would be appreciated as I can see and navigate site but, not use admin backend.
Endless admin-loop hell for sure.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Constructor] Slow Down Drop Down Menu?I thought relevancy was important – not the date of the post. If someone should start a new thread to discuss the same subject aren’t we making this somewhat of a duplicitous process? Are you fond of finding 27 different answers to the same question on 14 different websites? I’m not.
I also thought you might be interested in some what might be helpful user feedback so far as our experience but, I guess not. I mean, hey why would anyone want to actually click links in a navigation area… it’s much better to look good than to actually function eh? I do appreciate your work though but, not the attitude :/
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [SI CAPTCHA Anti-Spam] [Plugin: SI CAPTCHA Anti-Spam] translation errorHi there. I’m getting the same error message only recently (last couple of days). I updated to most recent version today and still getting this message.
I also have a warning in the top of console that reads “”E-mail From” is not set to an address from the same domain name as your web site…” but, I do have our correct email address in the custom email address field.
I removed the custom email address (as it’s different from the website’s primary site email account and I thought that mattered) from there and everything works great now.
This is very helpful and is what I’ve been looking for as well.
My issue is that I have one post show up on every static page as “Related Posts”. How do I groom my posts so that more appear on my static pages throughout the site? Is this just done by adding tags for instance?