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  • Thread Starter bixul


    Well, answering my own question… I figured out two way to do this after a good night’s sleep. ?? Just in case it helps anyone else, here goes:

    I found I can put in a custom template for my-bookings.php, and add an extra condition to the spot where it’s deciding whether or not to display “Cancel”. Something like…

    $oneHourFromNow = current_time('timestamp') + 3600;
    if( !in_array($EM_Booking->booking_status, array(2,3)) && get_option('dbem_bookings_user_cancellation') && $EM_Event->get_bookings()->has_open_time() && $EM_Event->start > $oneHourFromNow){...}

    Or, I saw that in the same template file there was an apply_filter called for “em_my_bookings_booking_actions”. I tried that too. It seemed to work, and I supposed I could have used that to do a test and blank out the link if necessary, but “booking_actions” sounded more generic than I was comfortable with. I thought it might be applied in more cases than just the cancel link, so I opted for changing the my-bookings template page directly.

    Thread Starter bixul


    #1 – ok, as I mentioned, just wanted to get the +1 people interested in there.

    #2 – I tried this. It appears to make it so that if I book ANY day for the event, then I am booked for all of them. If I then cancelled, it cancelled all of them. That’s not quite what we were looking for.

    We want to use the system to allow people to cancel attending a specific class if they can’t make it, and then schedule a make up in some other class. Let me try to explain the steps I’m imagining again…

    First, consider that there is a class that meets once a week for 10 weeks, so 10 sessions. Then there are 20 students that the instructor knows will be in the class. Those students have WordPress accounts, but they do NOT go add themselves to the classes.

    Instead, the instructor wants to go to the admin panel, and add all 20 students to each of the 10 sessions up front.

    Then, say student “Joe Jones” can’t make it on the third session. When Joe realizes that, the instructor wants Joe to be able to log into the system, and at that point cancel Joe’s own booking for JUST THAT SESSION. So I can’t have it where if they cancel one session it effectively cancels all of them.

    So that part I bolded up there, where the instructor goes and enters all 20 students into each of the 10 sessions, we wonder how that works. We are kinda hoping that she doesn’t have to go to each and every session, and “pick student 1, click to add them”, then “pick student 2, click to add them”, then “pick student 3”, click to add them”… for all 20 students. Then go to session #2, repeat, Session #3 repeat… like that. That would be a LOT of clicks! ??

    If there is not some sort of “bulk add” for recurring events, then I can probably write one with some sort of “events manager add-on” plugin I can make for her. We’re just trying to get an idea of what’s going to be required to set everything up the way she wants.


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