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  • Will this bug be fixed in any current versions?
    I have been struggling with this using multisite, got the certs good, got the sites good, got the admin area directing right, but the password reset is really messing people up.
    People cannot reset their password for the right site, as everything redirects to the main site they may or may not have access to.
    For now I will review the bug fixes and merges that don’t seem to be in the current 3.9.2 though.
    Thanks for any help or ETA!

    Thread Starter bitpath


    Ok. This is “resolved”.
    I just tested another site where the edit area is still there just fine.
    I suspect it is related to a new feature of wp-client adding a “show on” specific wp-client pages for widgets, as that is a change log new feature, and the site i have not updated to this feature still works fine for black studio visual editor.
    I have asked them to remove this feature or instruct how to disable if possible, to see if it restores the visual editor area, since so many good plugins let you define what pages to put widgets on already.

    Sorry. Been really busy but getting back to reviewing the possibility of a plugin.
    For now, please try adding this to your functions.php to see if it helps.
    After looking things over it seems like it was default configuration issues. The below code should enable image copy paste from clipboard, formatted copy/paste from word and excel. It’s a bit of a “nuclear option” just enabling all the wysiwyg copy/paste I could think of for now, and I’ll try to get a more refined solution here soon. Also, i’m still learning so I apologize for any crudeness to the code.
    Please note this was just what I did to fix my issues with the new editor that may or may not be related to your issue. I really hope it helps your situation some though.
    It’s just to enable copy/paste of images and other style elements by default. If you don’t want any style elements, paste as text should still work.

    * Adjust wordpress 3.9x+ editor to allow pasting images and other office document wysiwygy elements
    function enable_tmce_paste_stylesAndImages($mceInit, $editor_id){
        $mceInit['paste_data_images'] = true;
                    $mceInit['paste_word_valid_elements'] =  "b,strong,i,em,h1,h2,p,ol,ul,li,a,span,div,font-size,br,img,table,tbody,td,tfoot,th,thead,tr,del,ins,dl,dt,dd";
                    $mceInit['paste_webkit_styles'] = "all";
                    $mceInit['paste_retain_style_properties'] = "all";
        return $mceInit;
    add_filter('tiny_mce_before_init', 'enable_tmce_paste_stylesAndImages', 1, 2);

    I just noticed this too for a site that has no public posts from many the usernames being used to attempt to access.
    Whoever “hacked” this site was able to get a list of usernames to attempt to log in with, but not the passwords it seems by the numerous attempts to access the site using a list of valid usernames. This is a site with only a dozen users so it was very obvious they were able to get the usernames and not passwords. I do not have buddypress activated on this site or anything I think would normally produce a member user list for public access.
    I will try to email Dave to see if he can shed any light or how I can close this vulnerability. I am currently checking for changed files but on the surface it seems like they were only able to pull a valid list of usernames.

    Following a bug back to the source i found out this version of ckeditor is from 2012, and they have fixed so much since then. The bug I tracked is fixed in the new version and maybe this is too.
    If we can update this or figure out how to replace the TinyMCE4 editor with the new CKEditor it would very possibly solve so many problems people are having. Even this old version from 2012 fixes the issue where we can no longer paste images from the clipboard. I want so bad to try the real deal, updated CKEditor.
    How does this work? Does someone else need to take responsibility for this plugin or do we need to create another? I am asking CKEditor developers how they prefer we go about this, in case they have a preference how to go about getting this updated.

    3.9 hit a lot of people hard, in terms of TinyMCE functionality they’ve been used to for years. Right now I am trying to fix my editing issues by over-writing the TinyMCE 4 in Core with TinyMCE 3.5.11. I’ve spent days trying to get the new TinyMCE to do what I need and no go so far, so for now I may need to control the core files.
    I’ll try the plugin. I am also reviewing this guide:
    +1 for allowing us to control auto-updates more easily than editing core files. I know they’re tested for “safety” but I’m sure they can’t explicitly test all the plugins and features we need to control compatibility for.

    Many people have reported pasting images from the clipboard no longer works in 3.9 either, and this all comes back to the new TinyMCE. There were plugins that enabled this, which are supposedly no longer necessary, but those don’t seem to work anymore either, similar to this, the button being “unnecessary” now without the functionality being actually replaced.
    Can we revert just TinyMCE back ourselves somehow? I’d hate to overwrite core files with an old version of tinymce but is that a reasonable option? It seems less dangerous than trying to revert WordPress. The issues seem introduced with 3.9 but seem to be the TinyMCE part of the update. I am thinking the loss of the cleaned up paste from word the loss of being able to paste images from the clipboard, all beginning with 3.9 just the TinyMCE update.
    There is a bug ticket open for the pasting of clipboard images (encoded like <img alt=”” src=”…). Maybe when this is fixed it will also fix pasting other Word elements, or is there a bug ticket for this odd paste to/from Word behavior too?

    Others are running into issues, and contradict the assumption that the new TinyMCE makes paste from Word or clipboard image paste plugins unnecessary, since the old functionalities are not actually there anymore. Reverting TinyMCE in core would probably fix all this until the functions are correctly replaced and implemented in the new TinyMCE 4.x. Can a plugin be used to replace core TinyMCE verson? I don’t think they can add back the button without actually reverting TinyMCE.

    I am watching this core ticket that you submitted. I didn’t even see it was you at first, scouring this site for solutions ??

    Is this a WordPress 3.9.1 global issue?
    I’ve been trying to get image pasting from clipboard to posts to work using various plugins and browsers and nothing seems to be working correctly right now. I’ve tested ImagePaste, clipboard images, this plugin (and maybe others, lost count) from updated IE11 and Firefox 30 on Win7. The only one that seems to be kind of working is CKEditor and variants but they are experiencing other bugs from IE11.

    In research I came across this core.trac bug issue re: 3.9.1 affecting several people, and I think it is a core/tinymce editor issue.
    This is the core ticket I ran across relating to this I think:

    I added reference to this in core ticket above, in case it is related.

    Thread Starter bitpath


    The developers at tracked this warning down.
    It was because the last line in ‘bp-usernames-only.php’ was:

    add_action( 'admin_bar_menu', 'ray_wp_toolbar_title', 6 );

    This replacement in ‘bp-usernames-only.php’ causes it to check if the user is logged in before trying to pull in the admin bar fix.

    if ( is_user_logged_in() ) {
    	add_action( 'admin_bar_menu', 'ray_wp_toolbar_title', 6 );

    Thank you for a great and useful plugin!

    CKeditor was causing the problem for me.
    It was very confusing because I was editing in one tab and refreshing and viewing the page in another. I could not see the right version I updated because the “browser” was saving its own version of the page even though I disabled caching plugin at the wordpress level, and caching at the browser level.
    This attempted extra cache being performed by ckeditor that i could not control was making it hard to update changes in one tab and view them in another by refreshing the page.
    I disabled ckeditor and this behavior went away. I like ckeditor but this feature needs to have easy and straight-forward visibility what’s happening and user control, or it could be confusing and hinder development.

    My bad again. I’ll just shut up now. The pencil icon was just the admin edit sign.
    Thank you again for this great info!

    Can I ask an advanced question please? I’ve managed to remove the default media add new button, because i think it’s a security risk in a professional/mixed website people don’t agree to share all media on, but this is not translating right to the iPhone. It still shows a “pencil/new” icon on the front end but now it has no function.
    Can anyone please help understand how to control the pencil icon on iPhones?
    I love wordpress and respect and appreciate the countless hours people have poured into it to make it an amazing option. It’s hard to implement in HIPAA secure environments though because even premium plugins have the caveat basic wordpress security applies. I’ve spent enough time to love it, even if i’m not an expert. It’s just not designed for granular security of everything, including user uploads and avatars by default. I was shocked to find out even in secure sites there were calls to a gravatar site and google fonts sticking things up and showing up as identity and data leaks. Whatever I’ve read otherwise, these were with pretty much tracking every user view.
    I will do anything I can to help.

    This does not work for me.
    I have the basic syntax correct, as I am able to modify, remove or add to any other WP admin bar menu. The only one that won’t listen using this method is “new-content”. That menu won’t go away. I can add to it, and remove other ones though, so it is like something is over-riding “new-content” when I try to remove it this way although all the other ones listen.
    Is there a special trick with “new-content” or is it being generated after this, over-riding any “remove_menu” command somehow? remove_menu is also not working on any “new-content” menu items.
    I’ve searched and found similar instructions many places for adding and removing toolbar menus, or the whole toolbar, and can remove all of them but the “new-content” one or any of it’s children (unless I just turn the menu off).
    If there is a conflicting plugin that is over-riding this, can I over-ride it back with my own? I can even add to “new-content” parent menu just fine, just not remove anything from it.
    Thank you

    UPDATE –
    Big embarrassed face. As I thought of order and all that, I realized the code I had been using “add_action( ‘bp_setup_admin_bar’, ‘your_bp_admin_bar_add’, 300 );” to call the function instead of “add_action( ‘wp_before_admin_bar_render’, ‘your_bp_admin_bar_remove’, 301 );”. I was getting confused because calling bp_setup_admin_bar was working for everything I tried but removing media. Changing this call to use wp_before_admin_bar render worked. Sorry for the confusion. This worked perfect.
    Thank you!!

    I guess that’s different than sharing WordPress databases. I’d love to be able to do that too. I heard OpenID had gone to Facebook and big social network signup. I don’t know what would be best, sharing WordPresses, or having them share something like AD or LDAP. I wouldn’t want to have to create all the accounts myself and there’s good WordPress self-registration.

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