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  • Thread Starter bitbusters


    Sorry, that I haven’t written it before. I have made backups, and updated the plugin via dashboard – I got some error about error handling in line 300 or something – I have forgotten to make a screenshot, I needed to quickly add new content, so I had to revert immediately…

    I think the problem here lies in assigning the language twice: once to a Sidebar, which is designed as a custom type of post, and second time – in the standard way, in each widget.
    I suppose, that it is enough, if only the language metadata criterion is fulfilled (no matter if the proper post/page match is fulfilled), which is causing all Polish sidebars show up at each page in Polish language.
    So it probably can be solved

    • either if Custom Aware Sidebars shows Siedbars exclusively based on the criteria chosen in the plugin Settings (e.g. by category, or by literally specified/marked pages or posts)
    • or if an option “display for all languages” could be brought back
    • or if you could exclude some content (post) types from language classification

    Oh, I hope you’ll forgive me – shame on me, that I didn’t contribute to the Polish translation, but my first localisation attempt was a bit too careless and caused me more problems than it solved… – in case of the Brunelleschi scheme, which I have localised for myself, it resulted in breaking the settings management, as the settings are saved in the language of the WordPress installation (or maybe…? no, I don’t want to say a bad word about Polylang ;P). Thanks God, you’re a more structured developer, than I am of a tester…
    When I prepare myself this week, I hope to update to 0.7.2 this week.
    Cheers, (b/b)

    Thread Starter bitbusters


    Thanks! It works! I admire the way you manage your code to be able to trace and debug all those tiny details…

    Thread Starter bitbusters


    Hi, sorry for misuse. This is the file one more:

    Thread Starter bitbusters


    For custom taxonomy – yes, the links are like this indeed.
    (well, at least and
    But for built-in posts pages, categories and tags – no: you have either


    or the folder-like


    And for some plugins extending content querying possibilities, and therefore working only with the parametric addressing, not with the folder-like, using slugs as parameters of canonical (base) links would be more optimal, than using IDs.

    Oh, and one more feature request: in page editor, you can easily delete the dependencies by deleting assigned terms in respective language-id fields. In category/tag/taxonomy editor, once you assign a corresponding term in another language, you are stuck. If you have made a mistake, you must delete the term, because you cannot undo (“edit” takes you to editing another language term, not to changing which term of another language should be assigned to this one).

    Anyway, you have seen the website I’m building for a friend of mine: I am facing the problem of dissapearing posts (custom type), I have no idea how can I debug it (when and how were the data removed from the DB, but when I exported data to CSV, the data we were filling for days are gone from db only after displaying the webpages = switching the language a few times) and must now decide a fail-safe simplification (which plugin to exclude)

    What I wanted to achieve was storing price-factors in taxonomy fields, to be able to calculate the service price by multiplying the factors of all terms describing the service. I may give up the custom taxonomies, but I still need to add the fields to categories and tag terms with some plugin.
    So, I can delete Custom Post Type Permalinks & Taxonomic SEO Permalink plugins, but I think, I must leave Ultimate Taxonomy Manager.

    I am very thankful, Chouby for your presence and active support.

    But as a fresh WordPress implementer, I’m already a bit frustrated, as the forums seem not to be as much-attended (or topics I’m stuggling with do not gain much attention) and if the compatilibity is such on an issue, maybe such questions, concern the WordPress plugin/theme model generally…? Greetings & thanks if anyone has any hints.

    Thread Starter bitbusters


    Hi, I haven’t test it yet, but I agree, taxonomy terms already carry the info about the language.
    Do you mean, that now it should be working with pretty permalinks and custom taxonomy archives? (the base URL should be not ?)

    It were addressing issues, which decided, that I did not decide to use static homepage
    Single homepage address is best to aggregate traffic. But the homepages in other languages show their URLs in the address bar…
    Then, there’s the single address for blog/news page which is not flexible enough for a CMS WordPress implementation.

    And what do You think of my proposal of adding another option to the (default) WordPress permalink schemes?
    I mean something like this:

    Thread Starter bitbusters


    :/ I understand, there are endless combinations…
    Or maybe the problem’s not in the plugin compatibility, but
    my attempts to create a child theme with its own textdomain caused the problem?
    I have created a test post yesterday, and everything is OK today, I’ll give it a try…

    Thread Starter bitbusters


    There is a serious problem with presentation of custom taxonomies of custom posts (“services”) – they are not displayed in the editor. (it says “none”).

    For the posts created today, all taxonomy terms in their respective taxonomy columns of the editur are shown as assigned.
    I am using some taxos to describe the services, like Prio and Detail Level, so a service can only have single priority and detail level, I have therefore chosen to display dropdowns in the editor.

    Now, for all posts marked via Polylang as Polish, the Polish taxonomies assigned to them, are shown in editor as “none”. But these data/assigned taxonomies are there, because I can filter/display the content from the frontend. Also clicking “edit” (post editor) does not display proper data.
    What I have also noticed, there is a post, which has both English and Polish taxonomy terms assigned.

    I have created a post (custom), saved and afterwards: – editor – custom posts list

    If you could help a beginner out, I appreciate it.

    Thread Starter bitbusters


    Thanks! It works!
    Only for the core category and post tag I needed to recode it to use the translated labels from translation files.

    Thread Starter bitbusters


    Well, WOW – same fix repairs it ??
    Lines 367 to 376 of ultimate-taxonomy-manager.php with (array) added:

    foreach((array)$taxonomy['object_type'] as $a)
                            foreach((array)$taxonomy['object_type'] as $a)
                        foreach((array)$taxonomy['object_type'] as $a)


    Thread Starter bitbusters


    OK, sorry: my post was far from precision and optimal placement (at Ultimate Taxonomy Manager’s forum…), but still – thanks for answering. So let’s give my wording another chance:

    If the taxonomies are registered by Ultimate Taxonomy Manager plugin – Code Styling Localisation (the plugin I use to create .po translation files and generate .mo files from them) finds no strings to scan the strings.
    Also, when I create the .po files in the child theme folder, it does not list my child theme as if there was nothing to translate…

    Puting data structure and algorithms into the theme is just intrinsically wrong for me…

    Where do I register the taxonomies, and corresponding algorithms not to lose them when changing themes? And not to open the php file at every website serving?
    Thanks for clues…

    What plusins you have installed? In a clean environment (without plugins changing your wordpress) it is more likely to work well.
    What browser do you use? Brunelleschi theme uses HTML5 – in IE 6 or 7, with the awesome shadows turned on – I also was getting blank page. I’ve read, that as workaround to some problems, you may remove the Modernizr.js javascript from the /js/ folder.
    For me, also changing the fonts via theme options screen does not work.

    Also, extracting the Mozilla CSS extensions, which don’t allow the pages to validate correctly, to a separate CSS file would be an option. They would only be loaded in browsers, which support them.

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