Forum Replies Created
Hi Guys! sorry for the trouble, been busy this week. Please update to v1.1.0 this should fix the cookie issue. I have tested it on my machine and it is now saving the cookies.
Please update to version 1.0.9 this version contains the fix for settings not saving.
Updated the plugin! Please update to version 1.0.9 this will fix the saving of settings issue.
Please see the latest version – there is FAQ how can you completely remove deep link engine created links.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: Deep Link Engine] New Version Perform VerfiyThe verify will try to find back link to our blog on the foreign blog. If this back link is not there, reference will get removed from the links.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: Deep Link Engine] Latest upgrade no goodWe’ve had an error where debugging has been left turned on. The problem is fixed since, please upgrade to 1.7.1.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: Deep Link Engine] Popup on allpost editsPop-up will disappear when you enter the code. This code you will receive when you submit your email.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: Deep Link Engine] video of fatal errorI have trouble seeing anything in that video (text). What kind of message do you receive?
Calm down.
Unrelated is when you don’t read the how to – you should have used Yahoo for fetching tags – default TagTheNet finds one word tags which in end effect finds many unrelated blogs. Besides why would you go to massive post updates with the new (for you unproven) plug-in is beyond me.
Would you please explain to me how exactly are you “losing revenue”?
For the next version we plan to include link checker and it will have automatic removal of dead (the ones that has not linked to us) and unrelated links. The blacklist of the site you don’t wish to relate to is also planned.
Switch the post editor to HTML and remove markup starting with <!–pingbacker_start–> and ending with <!–pingbacker_end–>
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Has anyone ever heard of this plug-in?Hi,
Plug-in has been included in the official Word Press listing;