Hi Webaware,
Sorry that I didn’t put my website URL. I was thinking that it will not be really relevant for your analysis.
=> Just a mixed content error on a plugin’s URL that is generated from PHP.
Indeed, my mixed content error came from All-In-One-Event-Calendar plugin which is computing some URL when plugin is included, with the following line of code :
$ai1ec_base_url = plugins_url( ”, __FILE__ );
=> This line will produce an “HTTP” URL when plugin is included before “SSL Insecure Content Fixer” and “HTTPS” if included after.
However, your proxy fix is the perfect trick, it works like a charm.
Moreover, it solve all mixed content problems, even with “SSL Insecure Content Fixer” desactivated.
I hope that it is a normal behavior… !
And if you need to take a look : Website
Thanks a lot Ross,
Do not hesitate to indicate if I did a mistake by desactivating your plugin.
Yours faithfully,