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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [SMTP Mailing Queue] Send Test Mail Error sending mailHi back @shawnrisk,
In fact, I do not recommend sending mails with a “From” value which is not under your control (eg : e-mail of the signer). SMTP servers will not be able to detect your sending server as an authorized one for this domain (See ‘SPF’ and ‘DKIM’) and it will immediately fall in SPAM folder.
However, you can clearly add the email of the signer in the “Reply-To” field which is a good practice as the receiver will be able to reply to the signer without any domain impersonation.
Same question as your here :
How to add user email in “Reply-To” field in Ninja form : that it can fulfill your need.
Yours faithfully,
BirmaniaForum: Plugins
In reply to: [SMTP Mailing Queue] Send Test Mail Error sending mailIt is very hard to detect which value will be set when sending email as it can be modified by multiple filter/plugin registered.
In future version, I wil add some information about WordPress behavior when you do not fill these fields as some other plugins do :
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [SMTP Mailing Queue] Send Test Mail Error sending mailNice. Indeed, it seems that mails are not sent due to invalid “From” field.
Default WordPress values for ‘From’ and ‘From Email’ are ‘WordPress’ and ‘wordpress@yoursitename’.These values may create some problem, especialy if you are working on ‘localhost’ which is not a valid site name.
Can you try to set a From name/mail in settings and re-test the mail sending ?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [SMTP Mailing Queue] Send Test Mail Error sending mailHi @shawnrisk,
When SMTP settings are blank, plugin fallback on values defined through wp action/filters and default WordPress settings. These default values may not be sufficient for mail sending in your case.
“Queue Limit” is an historical name but this property means : “How much mails should be processed per run/batch”. You are processing 8 mail every 15 minutes. According to these values, you may change them to avoid burst and get similar throughput by reducing both “wp_cron interval” and “Queue Limit”.
New values could be :
Queue Limit : 1
wp_cron interval : 120As far as I can read, it seems that your main problem is linked to your SMTP settings because test mail should not throw an error. Let’s try to solve this !
Firstly, you can download the new 1.4.5 version I just uploaded. I added a notice with more details on the error you encounter when sending immediate test mail.
Secondly, you can try to switch from ‘SSL’ to ‘TLS’ as SMTP server are less and less supporting the ‘SSL’ protocol.
Thirdly, you can test with another SMTP provider to detect if the problem come from your website configuration (eg. installed plugins) or from SMTP settings.
In order to do this, please create a free sandbox on ‘’ and try to send a test mail to their service.On my side, I made it working with mailtrap using :
Mode : ‘TLS’
Port: 2525
Use auth : True
Username: *look-in-your-inbox-credentials*
Password: *look-in-your-inbox-credentials*Yours faithfully,
BirmaniaForum: Plugins
In reply to: [SMTP Mailing Queue] Small batchesHi @danicasati,
If I understand well your need, it the main goal of SMTP Mailing Queue.
In order to accomplish this, go to ‘Advanced Settings’ panel.
Put in “Queue limit” the number of email to send in one batch.
Put in “wp_cron_interval” the delay (in seconds) between two batch.Yours faithfully,
BirmaniaForum: Plugins
In reply to: [SMTP Mailing Queue] Version 1.4.1 issuesHi @shawnrisk,
I see clear now, you can dismiss the warning without any risks as it will not go away on its own. Moreover, it will not re-appear.
Yours faithfully,
BirmaniaForum: Plugins
In reply to: [SMTP Mailing Queue] Version 1.4.1 issuesHi @shawnrisk,
If you get this error there is high probability that you are currently using v1.4.1. Is it right ?
Event if it does not prevent your email from being sent, it is a bit annoying to have the error you mentioned regularly displayed in admin dashboard.If you need to, you can upgrade to the latest version (1.4.4) which should solve your problem.
Concerning the response of your provider, it is sad to observe that they did not really answer your problem. You have a problem with request timeout and they forward you to SSL Handshake / PHP-cURL compatibility error which is not the case.
Do not hesitate to inform me if version update fixed your problem or not.
Yours faithfully,
BirmaniaForum: Plugins
In reply to: [SMTP Mailing Queue] Version 1.4.1 issuesNevermind, you can directly update to v1.4.4.
The v1.4.3 is good but it was not registering the sanity check process on plugin update (only on activation).V1.4.4 solve this point by enabling the sanity checks on plugin updates too.
Yours faithfully,
BirmaniaForum: Plugins
In reply to: [SMTP Mailing Queue] Version 1.4.1 issuesHi @ceenaree,
According to this stackexchange post, it seems that periodic events can fail to reschedule when process take too long (more than WP CRON LOCK is allowed too).
You did well by updating values of your advanced settings. I just published a version 1.4.3 which will check ‘hourly’ if ‘smq_start_queue’ is still scheduled and will automatically reschedule if not found.
Moreover, I moved the processing error message from admin global dashboard to ‘Processing’ supervisor tab. It will be less intrusive and will still allow to debug errors.
Happy to listen that your BackWPup plugin is still working. Hope that they will solve their cURL timeout issue.
Thanks for your high-value feedbacks !
Yours faithfully,
Birmania- This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by Birmania.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [SMTP Mailing Queue] Version 1.4.1 issuesHi @ceenaree,
Considering the missing automatic run :
After digging a bit, I found that WordPress may fail to requeue a scheduled task in wp-cron in really special context.
It already happened to me and I may consider adding a consistency check in the SMTP Mailing Queue Plugin to verify this point.Can you please check the following :
1. Install (just for the check) the ‘WP Crontrol’ extension :
2. Go into ‘Tools>Cron Events’ admin menu
3. Check if ‘smq_start_queue’ is present in the list and that ‘Next Run’ is in the future
=> The fact is that mails are processed when ‘smq_start_queue’ is executed by wp-cron so if it is missing in this list, it is a bad news.If ‘smq_start_queue’ is not present and ‘Don’t use wp-cron’ is unchecked in your ‘Advanced settings’, it means that the scheduled event failed to re-schedule.
A workaround to re-insert ‘smq_start_queue’ in the list is to save your ‘Advanced settings’, even without modifying anything.Considering the BackWPup error :
Are you sure that it is caused by the new version of SMTP Mailing Queue ?
Because it seems that many users of BackWPup are currently experiencing the same issue as you. See : is “fun” is that they got the same error as us, using the default WP timeout of 5 seconds. Hope that they will find a way to solve this.
Yours faithfully,
Birmania- This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by Birmania.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [SMTP Mailing Queue] Error when sending w/o SMTPI am really glad that this plugin help you to provide an efficient website in production and that informations given here seems valuable to you.
Note that a new version (v1.4.2) just came out with a capability you requested : Being able to logs/store sent mails with their sent time.
Note : I just updated the main plugin page to add my donation link next to @hildende one. If you have to choose between both, give it to him as he deserve it for shaping such a great idea with this plugin.
Yours faithfully,
BirmaniaForum: Plugins
In reply to: [SMTP Mailing Queue] Version 1.4.1 issuesHi @ceenaree,
I just published v1.4.2 with the following features :
* Feature: Added capacity to store, list and purge sent mails
* Feature: Display basic informations about processing (max. time it take per run) to help adjust queue limit
* Feature: Mail lists are moved from “Tools” to a new tab called “Supervisors”
* Bugfix: Mails processing through wp-cron now use a timetout linked to wp-cron configuration (WP_CRON_LOCK_TIMEOUT / 2)Feel free to test this new version and tell us if it solve your errors.
Note : You can now access the time it take for your app to send a batch of mail in the new Supervisor->Processing tab.Yours faithfully,
BirmaniaForum: Plugins
In reply to: [SMTP Mailing Queue] Version 1.4.1 issuesHi @ceenaree,
Thanks for your feedback.
In fact, the new version (1.4.1) should have similar behavior as the previous one (1.4.0) concerning automatic email sending. It only add the error notice in admin if something bad occurs while requesting a processing of your queued emails.
Moreover, it is not a “Development” version, you can safely pull it. WordPress always list a “Development” version in theSelect
of the downloadable previous versions.This version was built to help people debugging errors when something bad occurs while automatic processing emails (through cron). It record the last error message encountered and notice it in admin. Note that the error could be dismissed but it may come back if the same error occur repeatedly.
Having this error message is interesting as it state that you are trying to send more e-mails than your cron can manage in one call. (It takes too much time)
A “cool” thing is that I have the same message as you on my installation. This is due to the fact that automatic e-mail sending goes through a
to your server using the default timeout of 5 seconds (which is really short).
timeout, your website could produce duplicate email sending as it may run a new queue processor while the previous one is still running.I am going to create a new version (1.4.2) which may use
to compute a dynamic timeout to put on thiswp_remote_get
Don’t know if we should set somehing likeWP_CRON_LOCK_TIMEOUT / 2
or whatever.Yours faithfully,
BirmaniaForum: Reviews
In reply to: [SMTP Mailing Queue] Beautifully written, brilliant effortThanks for this grateful review !
I hope that you will have great success in your project with petitions.Yours faithfully,
BirmaniaForum: Plugins
In reply to: [SMTP Mailing Queue] Error when sending w/o SMTPI never tried to use “SMTP Mailing Queue” with “Offload SES”. However, as both plugins override phpMailer, I am not surprised that it did not work, sad…
Storage/Logs of sent emails functionality should not be that hard to add in “SMTP Mailing Queue” as we can move email files to dedicated folders on success plus add some views to list them.
However we would have to take care of some additionals :
– Truncate / Obfuscate / Remove the email title/content in order to avoid security risk if HDD is accessed by an intruder.
– Tell a limit of emails stored before removed in order to avoid fill all available disk space.About tests and monitoring, if that can help you :
– If you need to test your plugin installation (period), you can use “” which allow to generate free sandbox SMTP server which will trap and display emails that it received. Thus, you can test your periodicity.– To monitor your emails once in production, I personaly use SNS Topics to listen “BouncedMails”, “ComplaintsMails”, “DeliveredMails”, “RejectedMails” and “SentMails”.
These SNS topics are forwarded to Lambdas that register the event in Cloudwatch. Some critical events are sent by e-mails to IT administrators too (Bounce for example).Then, you can search in Cloudwatch in order to retrieve what happened to emails (full events history).
Yours faithfully,