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  • Thread Starter birke2030


    Hi Franky,

    well, I have tested a little bit. The layout of the event, shortcodes and rsvp templates looks good. I could not find any more mistakes there.
    I have a problem with the event registration with the templates, default or custom templates.
    Your function eme_get_template_format ($ template_id, $ nl2br_wanted = 1) is called one or more times. The value of the $template_id is once 0, but of course there is no template with the ID = 0. I am not sure if the problem is related to my test installation. Please check again.
    In summary, I could not test email templates.

    Thread Starter birke2030


    This is much better, for me it works well at first glance.

    I noticed a typing error in the file eme-templates in line 335.

    		   return $template['format'];
       } else {
    	   if ($template['nl2br'])
    		   return eme_nl2br_save_html($template['format']);
    		   return $template['format'];

    I think it should be like this:

    		   return $template['format'];
       } else {
    	   if ($template['properties']['nl2br'])
    		   return eme_nl2br_save_html($template['format']);
    		   return $template['format'];

    Please check again.

    Upon your question about the use of the templates.
    When I test something and we talk about it I never use my own code. It is always eme in his purest form ??

    I will test a little more later and report here.

    Thread Starter birke2030


    Thank you for your efforts.
    I have tested with the old versions, version 2.0.16 works as usual.
    I have also installed your current dev version, but could not see any significant change at first glance. At the moment I have no time to test.

    To your question for what I use the custom templates. I actually use them for everything, single event format, rsvp format, mail template and shortcodes. I currently use over 50 templates. In the handling I use only the plaintext editor, I never change into the wysiwyg view, this destroys my code every time.
    I have the problem that I have a lot of different types of evnts. I have created a template for each event type that contains the event type and necessary custom attributes. With the help of the eme_event_preinsert_filter / eme_event_preupdate_filter I create my event. I’m adding the right templates for single event format, rsvp, mail templates, custom attributes and so on. In this way, it is quite easy to generate many events with very different presentation.

    Thread Starter birke2030


    Thanks for the explanation, but I can not solve the problem.
    I have been using my templates for many years with much success. Since the end of last year, the problems with the blank lines have arisen. It has since changed something in WP or EME. The wysiwyg view may also be beneficial for some people, in many cases it will produce unexpected results.
    I use the templates e.g. also for lists, with a tables layout. For this I use 3 templates, header, body and footer. In this case, I can not use the wysiwyg editor, it would remove all <tr> <td> <th> tags because there is no <table> tag in the body.
    I tested with a simple example with wysiwyg as a single event template.

    1st line: Paragraph-1 (Enter at the end of the line)
    2nd line: paragarph-2
    switch to the TinyMCE plaintext Editor, it will change it to:
    (I found the same in the db)
    1st line: plaintext-1
    2nd line: blank line
    3rd line: plaintext-2
    eme output in the frontend:
    1st line: plaintext-1
    2nd line: <br>
    3rd line: <br>
    4th line: plaintext-2

    My example from above:
    It’s the same situation, the code in the TinyMCE plaintext editor is the same as in the DB.
    What I don’t understand: between the 2nd p-tag and the beginning of the table I find 14 br-tags. There are no br-tags, in the place, in the code, and only 1 newline.

    <p class="eme_fj_table_headline-left">Die Details...</p>
    <p class="eme_fj_table_headline-right">Termin in den eigenen Kalender importieren:<span class="eme_fj_ical">#_ICALLINK</span></p>
    <table class="eme_fj_table">
        <colgroup><col width="15%" /><col width="42.5%" /><col width="42.5%" /></colgroup>
                <td colspan="2" class="eme_fj_wann-datum"><strong>[eme_if tag="#ESC_{j M Y}" value="#ESC@_{j M Y}"]#d. #F #Y[/eme_if][eme_if tag="#ESC_{j M Y}" notvalue="#ESC@_{j M Y}"]#d.#m. bis #@d.#@m.#@Y[/eme_if]</strong></td>
                [eme_if tag='#ESC_ATT{Uebernachtung_Ort_Info}']<th rowspan="4">Wo?</th>[/eme_if]
                [eme_if tag='#ESC_ATT{Uebernachtung_Ort_Info}' is_empty=1]<th rowspan="3">Wo?</th>[/eme_if]
                <th>[eme_if tag='#ESC_ATT{Uebernachtung_Ort_ID}']übernachtung[/eme_if]</th>
                <td><strong><a href="#_LOCATIONPAGEURL">[eme_if tag='#ESC_MYLOCATIONATT{Name_sichtbar}']#_MYLOCATIONATT{Name_sichtbar}[/eme_if][eme_if tag='#ESC_MYLOCATIONATT{Name_sichtbar}' is_empty=1]#_LOCATIONNAME[/eme_if]</a></strong>
                    [eme_if tag='#ESC_LOCATIONFIELD{location_address2}']#_LOCATIONFIELD{location_address2}[/eme_if]
                    #_LOCATIONFIELD{location_zip} #_LOCATIONFIELD{location_city}
                    [eme_if tag='#ESC_LOCATIONFIELD{location_state}'](#_LOCATIONFIELD{location_state})[/eme_if]
                    [eme_if tag='#ESC_LOCATIONFIELD{location_country}'][eme_if2 tag='#ESC_LOCATIONFIELD{location_country}' notvalue='Deutschland']                #_LOCATIONFIELD{location_country}[/eme_if2][/eme_if]
                    [eme_if tag='#ESC_ATT{Uebernachtung_Ort_ID}']
                        [eme_location id=#_ATT{Uebernachtung_Ort_ID} template_id=2]
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