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I had the same problem whith gmx mailadresses, and the reason was, that the envelope had the wrong address in MAIL FROM. You habe to give all mailfunctions in email-subscribers/classes/es_sendmail a fifth parameter. Like:`wp_mail($adminmail, “Cron URL has been triggered successfully”, $es_cron_adminmail, $headers,’-f’ .$sender_email);
with me it worked.Have the mails which are not arrive gmx or mailadresses? That would be another bug.
Hi, sorry I can’t give you access to my blog, because it is protected by IPadresses, I ask on Monday to my Administrator.
Now I found out to select the groups in the advancedform.
It is really strange, when the advancedform is in a post now, the user get as many mails as groups are in the blog, independently which group he selected.
Advancedform in the widget: it is not possible to select another group than “Public”.I testet the advancedform tag in a post and there is only one group shown, the group “public”.
[email-subscribers-advanced-form id="1"]
In the widget there are two groups shown. Maybe there is something wrong with my groups?Hi,
yes I try with version 3.1.2 and 1.3 but it is not working yet.
Does it matter that I use a multisite block?
Thank you and best regards BirgitHi, I have the same problem with gmx email adresses. The envelope-from is different to the header.from. gmx do not accept this. It would be necessary to use Mail like this:
if (mail(RECIPIENT, 'Mail per PHP von ' . SENDER_NAME . ': ' . $date_and_time, 'Dies ist nur eine Testnachricht.', 'From: "' . SENDER_NAME . '" <' . SENDER . '>' . "\r\n" . 'Cc: "' . CC_NAME . '" <' . CC . '>', <strong>'-f ' . SENDER</strong>) )
but I cant’t find in the plugin yet.
Thank you for the tip,
I changed the emailtyp to “PHP HTML Mail” and now it works.
Best regards BirgitHi, has anybody the same problem? Even in Hello World Newsletter it is the same problem with blank spaces….
Email subsc ribers plugin has options to send newsletters to subscribers. It has a sepa rate
Has anybody an idea? Is it because of the php-settings? Mail-client?
Thank you
BirgitI looked the source codes of the Mails and found out, that the return is not correctly. At the end of every line is “=” and this disturbs.
Example:<strong>Im Blog "Wirtschaft in Erlangen" ist ein neuer Beitrag erschienen:<= /strong><br /><br />=C3=9Cbersicht =C3=BCber aktuelle und geplante Bauma=C3= =9Fnahmen in Erlangen<br />Diese Informationen finden Sie inklusive einer K= artendarstellung auf den Seiten der Stadt erlangen an dieser Stelle:<br /><= br /><br /><br />Auf = der rechten oberen Spalte finden Sie dort auch die geplanten Ma=C3=9Fnahmen= der n=C3=A4chsten Jahre als Downloads.<br /><br />Sie k=C3=B6nnen den aktu= ellen Beitrag unter folgendem Link lesen: <a href=3D'https://www.ihk-nuernbe= eplante-baumassnahmen-in-erlangen/' target=3D'_blank'>https://www.ihk-nuernb= geplante-baumassnahmen-in-erlangen/</a><br /><br />Mit freundlichen Gr=C3= =BC=C3=9Fen<br />